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RE: DA list feedback - Simian - 29-04-2013

couple more lists for your critique. Aim is to be slightly more balanced especially with the League in mind.

Belial - 190
Ezekiel - 145
Knight master + 4 Deathwing knights – 235
10 x tactical Marine – Plasma Cannon, Flamer – 160
6 x tactical Marine– LasCannon - 104
5 x Deathwing terminators – TH/SS, cyclone missile – 250
5 x Deathwing terminators – TH/SS, cyclone missile - 250
Heavy Support
Land raider Crusader – multi melta, storm bolter - 265
Contemptor Dreadnought – 2 twinlinked lascannons, Cyclone Missile Launcher - 220
Total – 1849


10 x tactical Marine – Plasma Cannon, Plasma gun, Rhino
10 x tactical Marine– Melta, Multi Melta Drop pod
10 x Deathwing terminators – TH/SS, cyclone missile, Assault cannon
Fast attack
4 hyperios (two squads of 2)
Heavy Support
Devastator Squad, Lascannon, 2 missile launchers and a plasma cannon.
Contemptor Dreadnought – 2 twinlinked lascannons, Cyclone Missile Launcher
Aegis with Quad gun
Total – 1849

RE: DA list feedback - jaqenhgar - 29-04-2013

I like list 2 better due to transports for the tacs, but would drop the multimelta and swap it for a combi-melta on the serge so he can hit at normal bs when he drops. alternatively drop 1 tac marine and the mm, take a combi-melta and attach ezekiel. then you have 15 points spare for three more storm shields.

RE: DA list feedback - Simian - 29-04-2013

I can see that logic. I'll be testing the first list tomorrow but then may switch it up before the league starts. mainly trying it as i've not use the deathwing knights yet and want to see what they can do coming charging out of a Landraider Delivery System (LDS)

RE: DA list feedback - Cookie101 - 30-04-2013

(29-04-2013, 10:07 AM)Simian Wrote: couple more lists for your critique. Aim is to be slightly more balanced especially with the League in mind.

Belial - 190
Ezekiel - 145
Knight master + 4 Deathwing knights – 235
10 x tactical Marine – Plasma Cannon, Flamer – 160
6 x tactical Marine– LasCannon - 104
5 x Deathwing terminators – TH/SS, cyclone missile – 250
5 x Deathwing terminators – TH/SS, cyclone missile - 250
Heavy Support
Land raider Crusader – multi melta, storm bolter - 265
Contemptor Dreadnought – 2 twinlinked lascannons, Cyclone Missile Launcher - 220
Total – 1849


10 x tactical Marine – Plasma Cannon, Plasma gun, Rhino
10 x tactical Marine– Melta, Multi Melta Drop pod
10 x Deathwing terminators – TH/SS, cyclone missile, Assault cannon
Fast attack
4 hyperios (two squads of 2)
Heavy Support
Devastator Squad, Lascannon, 2 missile launchers and a plasma cannon.
Contemptor Dreadnought – 2 twinlinked lascannons, Cyclone Missile Launcher
Aegis with Quad gun
Total – 1849

so i'm the quinea pig for list 1 am I?
no matter i'll crush it all the same...

in terms of balance i'd go with list 2 changed with the suggestions made by jaqenhgar.

may the emperor show you mercy, for i won't....


RE: DA list feedback - Simian - 30-04-2013

you are my guinea pig yes. i just want to see the knights in action...

Ill be going for list two for the league probably. maybe with a few tweaks

RE: DA list feedback - Simian - 01-05-2013

Hmmm well the knights did far better than i expected last night. they didn't kill much (because the meganobs ran away!) but they distracted a good half of Sam's army trying to kill them.... Toughness 5 with the fortress of shields makes a big difference against small arms fire.

I still think im going for List 2 in the league though, maybe with a couple of minor adjustments. (i liked the land raider too....)

RE: DA list feedback - Cookie101 - 01-05-2013

(01-05-2013, 07:56 AM)Simian Wrote: Hmmm well the knights did far better than i expected last night. they didn't kill much (because the meganobs ran away!) but they distracted a good half of Sam's army trying to kill them.... Toughness 5 with the fortress of shields makes a big difference against small arms fire.

I still think i'm going for List 2 in the league though, maybe with a couple of minor adjustments. (i liked the land raider too....)

I had a choice of either going for the draw or going for your death star, I though it would be more interesting killing the death star, and a better test for that list, so that's what i did.

for the record the mega nobs didn't run away, i just wasn't gonna throw them at a unit that would kill them before they got to fight.

based on that game, i think i'll be changing my list as well, i needed more Orks on the table, and the battle wagons don't perform as well as they used too, i'll sit down at some point this week and work out the new list.

RE: DA list feedback - Simian - 01-05-2013

Quote:going for your death star
it was 6 not sure that counts as a deathstar. the terminator squad with Belial in it was worth more points.
having said that, i liked the way it played, i liked having the crusader so sod balance im going to give that list a go in the League.....if it just doesn't work i'll make my one change for the league and go from there.

I've not played the same list at the club in back to back weeks so it'll make for a change to do it.

RE: DA list feedback - Simian - 15-05-2013

So im still not sure about the knights, charging headlong into a group of 8 paladins firing overwatch at full BS didn't help (wish i'd known they had that), only two made it in. nothing worked well if I'm honest but i think my tactics were more at fault than the army.

I'll persevere for now with the knights list but may rejigg after a couple more games.

RE: DA list feedback - jaqenhgar - 15-05-2013

yeah Paladins take a bit of getting used to fighting because they are so rock hard. You need a second unit to soak the damage from the overwatch and then charge with the knights. I played Rob about 7 times before Ii managed to beat his Paladins, and that was only cos I took a list with about 12 lascannons! Always thought that multi-charging the large paladin squad with two or more term units is the only way to go - although never really managed to pull it off yet...