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Nicks hobby log 2013
(26-06-2014, 08:45 AM)Agent0range Wrote: That's a really nice shade of yellow on the Dreadknight. Yellow I hear is very difficult to paint, but I like the transition from orange/brown at the bottom of the plates to the brighter yellow at the top Smile

Oh and the scenic bases for the Space Wolves are really nice. Did they come with the models or did you make/buy them later?

Cheers dude! The bases are from schibor war games via ebay! Dirt cheap but great quality!
(26-06-2014, 09:40 AM)Gareth Wrote: I would imagine the Yellow and blending is made easier with an Airbrush. But Nick is very very good with his, so the effect always seems to look great.

Nick did you edge the plates by hand, or is it more precise work with the Airbrush?

Few criticisms -
1) Looks like the paint on the Inquisitors Power Sword is a little thick. This close up, it's noticeable although at gaming distance it's probably not. Do you thin your paints, because the rest of the colours look really smooth.
2) Again something that at gaming distance doesn't matter, but you seem to have put a lot of effort into the faces, having their eyes done would rally make them shine. Don't go back and try (heaven forbid you ruin them trying to fix them,) but maybe next time.
3) The Runes on Njals Runic Weapon could do with being a contrasting colour, to the main body of the staff. Possibly also doing them on his Armour (although looking at the GW site [I wanted to make sure it was Njal, and not my memory playing up,]) they have left the Armour ones alone. But at the moment, on the Staff for definite, it appears to be notches that are in the shadows, rather than something of power.

Yeah all the plates are airbrushed with orange and two shades of yellow. All the edges have been highlighted by hand. Tried edging with an airbrush but never seemed to get it right! N yeah I agree with the inquisitors sword. Kinda rushed it if I'm honest n didn't dilute the paint enough. Ahh well :p

As for the eyes.....,.,. I simply can't do them! Every time I've tried they just look crazy so I've decided to give up! But yeah, one thing I wish I could do!
Not a lot of action on my hobby log for a while but I have recently started to reboot my blood angels following the new AWESOME codex. I have decided on the following list for the next few tournaments which I have built and under coated. Dante and the sanguinary priest are finished along with 4 tactical marines but the rest is just three colours....

Sanguinary Priest: The Veritas Vitae; chainsword; bolt pistol; Space Marine bikes 96
Librarian: Psyker (Mastery Level 2); bolt pistol; force weapon; Space Marine bike 110

5 Tactical Marines 70
5 Tactical Marines 70

Command Squad: 3× meltagun; 3× chainsword; jump packs; + 1 Company Champion;
+ 1 Sanguinary Novitiate 155
Command Squad: 3× meltagun; 3× chainsword; jump packs; + 1 Company Champion;
+ 1 Sanguinary Novitiate 155

Drop Pod 35

Commander Dante 220

Chapter Master: Space Marine bike; The Shield Eternal; auspex; artificer armour; power fist 250

5 Space Marine Bikers: 2× grav-gun 135

3 Scout Bikers: Space Marine bikes; Scout Biker Sergeant (locator beacon) 64

3 Devastator Centurions: 3× grav-cannon and grav-amp; 3× missile launcher; Centurion Sergeant (omniscope) 290

1,650 points
How are your Command squads getting on?

Curious to see how performing for you. Worth the extra points over Assault marines in your opinion?

Preferring the look of assault squads (not used my BA so purely codex based opinion at the minute lol) purely as 2x melta and combi melta is cheaper and i expect them to die to return fire after they have dropped and shot. Plus i have the models already. Tongue

Loving that your using the drop pod cent trick lol
40k- Space marines(5000 pts) Imperial guard (3000 pts) Tau (3000 pts)
Epic 40k-Space marines/Imperial Guard(2000 pts)
Infinity Yu jing (Aprox 1000 pts)
Necromunda Escher Mad capsules Avalanche
Blood bowl Skaven
The command squads were golden at cally. The fnp and combat shield make them more survivable and the extra attack always help too! But your right that assault squads are cheaper. Also the fnp is transferred to any character that joins which is very useful!
Also the higher leadership is Gilbert useful for a combat unit!
*cough*just seen some nicely converted and painted sang guard into BA command squad, any chance of a well lit pic?*cough* lol Smile
Warning - potentially stealing the sang guard as command squad idea Tongue
40k- Space marines(5000 pts) Imperial guard (3000 pts) Tau (3000 pts)
Epic 40k-Space marines/Imperial Guard(2000 pts)
Infinity Yu jing (Aprox 1000 pts)
Necromunda Escher Mad capsules Avalanche
Blood bowl Skaven
Haha I'll put some pics up when the whole squads done mate Smile just thing the sanguinary guard detail is so much better than death company of tac marines. Pretty pleased with how they came out although I'd strongly advise against using gws Mephiston red spray! It's dries sooooooooo thick!
Airbrushed my first lot of red marines, white primer and then bright red, come out a lot brighter than anticipated lol. Need to give them a dark wash!
Yeah agree on sanguinary guard, really enjoyed building and painting mine. Never even thought to kit bash them into command squad!
40k- Space marines(5000 pts) Imperial guard (3000 pts) Tau (3000 pts)
Epic 40k-Space marines/Imperial Guard(2000 pts)
Infinity Yu jing (Aprox 1000 pts)
Necromunda Escher Mad capsules Avalanche
Blood bowl Skaven
I found mine came out really bright too! Try blood letter red glaze Wink you'll be pleasantly surprised!

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