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Halo themed Imp Guard army
Thinking about trying out a couple of new lists just for laughs, instead of the usual one above. was thinking something like this might be fun-
1 company command, camo cloaks, astropath, lascannon vox
1 platoon
1 platoon command with vox, lascannon
4 squads lascannon, Vox
1 platoon
1 platoon command vox
3 squads vox
3 vendettas
Aegis defense line
10 man terminator assualt squad(or as many as can fit in) w/ Landraider redeemer
Scout squad w/sniper rifles and camo cloaks

Not done the math yet to see if can afford it all, but on guess work think i can fit it all in a 1750 list.
40k- Space marines(5000 pts) Imperial guard (3000 pts) Tau (3000 pts)
Epic 40k-Space marines/Imperial Guard(2000 pts)
Infinity Yu jing (Aprox 1000 pts)
Necromunda Escher Mad capsules Avalanche
Blood bowl Skaven
I may also be more inclined to have a proper go at making my Halo marine themed force when this comes out-
Finally something that looks kind of like a more streamlined Pelican!
40k- Space marines(5000 pts) Imperial guard (3000 pts) Tau (3000 pts)
Epic 40k-Space marines/Imperial Guard(2000 pts)
Infinity Yu jing (Aprox 1000 pts)
Necromunda Escher Mad capsules Avalanche
Blood bowl Skaven
Like the termies Vince! Not sure the scouts will do much though unless you get lucky.
40K - Dark Angels, Dark Eldar, Necrons; Lord of the Rings - lots; Bloodbowl - Dwarves, Wood Elves; SAGA - Anglo Danes & Welsh; Guildball - Morticians, Engineers; Dropzone/fleet - Shaltari
They are the just there as a compulsary marine troop choice, inflitrate them on an objective in 4+ cover and go to ground for a 2+ cover save is the idea. Hold an objective for as long as possible.
40k- Space marines(5000 pts) Imperial guard (3000 pts) Tau (3000 pts)
Epic 40k-Space marines/Imperial Guard(2000 pts)
Infinity Yu jing (Aprox 1000 pts)
Necromunda Escher Mad capsules Avalanche
Blood bowl Skaven
Oh ok, fair enuff!
40K - Dark Angels, Dark Eldar, Necrons; Lord of the Rings - lots; Bloodbowl - Dwarves, Wood Elves; SAGA - Anglo Danes & Welsh; Guildball - Morticians, Engineers; Dropzone/fleet - Shaltari
30 points over! Noooooooooooooooo! Though i do have 4 vendetta's in the current list.......
May run it with triple Vendetta's though as can do that easy and maybe have more scouts in with snipers to aim at Warlord for slay the warlord. Bound to get some 6's with 10 sniper rifles.....
Back to the drawing board, looking at a quad vendetta and triple manticore list now....... lol
40k- Space marines(5000 pts) Imperial guard (3000 pts) Tau (3000 pts)
Epic 40k-Space marines/Imperial Guard(2000 pts)
Infinity Yu jing (Aprox 1000 pts)
Necromunda Escher Mad capsules Avalanche
Blood bowl Skaven
Got myself a quad vendetta and triple manticore list to try out tonight, looks a little like this-
1 company command, camo cloaks
1 platoon
1 platoon command autocannon
4 squads Autocannons
3 vets (3 plasma, 3melta, 2 flamer, heavy flamer)
4 vendettas
3 x Manticore

Could go really well or horribly wrong!
Should be fun to try anyway!
40k- Space marines(5000 pts) Imperial guard (3000 pts) Tau (3000 pts)
Epic 40k-Space marines/Imperial Guard(2000 pts)
Infinity Yu jing (Aprox 1000 pts)
Necromunda Escher Mad capsules Avalanche
Blood bowl Skaven
That looks really nasty! Fancy a game sometime?!
40K - Dark Angels, Dark Eldar, Necrons; Lord of the Rings - lots; Bloodbowl - Dwarves, Wood Elves; SAGA - Anglo Danes & Welsh; Guildball - Morticians, Engineers; Dropzone/fleet - Shaltari
Yep, we will have to sort one out at some point in the new year, Face the Deathwing of doom army (maybe even with the new codex)Tongue
40k- Space marines(5000 pts) Imperial guard (3000 pts) Tau (3000 pts)
Epic 40k-Space marines/Imperial Guard(2000 pts)
Infinity Yu jing (Aprox 1000 pts)
Necromunda Escher Mad capsules Avalanche
Blood bowl Skaven
Hey Vince, cheers for the game last night! I got lucky in 2 ways, getting the 4+ Inv save on the Blob and the Drop Pod landing literally 2 inches away from the board edge full of melta...

I liked the list, but you lacked the ability to get to the objectives, I would consider dropping a Vendetta and swapping out the flamer Vets for a Special Weapons Team with Flamers/Heavy flamer. Then get some Chimeras, with everyone moving towards anti-infantry (Autocannons/Missiles are about a anti-tank as people tend to go) they just became pretty hard to tackle.

Having the Chimeras gives you mobility and stuff can still shoot out the hatches, with Vet squads or Platoons inside, they can jump out turn5 to grab objectives.


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