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GT 2014/15 Heat3
Cheers for the support guys!

As you asked Vince:

My list:
Spiritseer, 2x5 Dragons in Serpents, 2x5 Avengers in Serpents, 2 Hornets, 2 Wraithknights.

Game1: Nick - 20-0 win.. I don't think either of our heads were in the game, Nick made a poor tactical decision and outflanked the Centurions which meant I could concentrate on killing the bikestar and then when the cents came on, I could concentrate on them..

Game2: Gaz Donnelly - 4 Serpents, 2 Wraithknights, Farseer, Jetbikes and Warp Spiders 20-0 loss.. My head was still not really in it as we were trying to get a lift home, sort the car and then come up with a back up plan, Gaz is a top tournament player, but I didn't get the luck of the dice at a crucial time, it was Wave Serpent spam on Wave Serpent spam, he got turn1, but didn't really do a great deal while I killed 2 serpents.. then his turn2, again he didn't do a great lot, which meant if my turn2 alpha strike worked I win the game... but I didn't get my outflanking hornets, by Wraithknight missed 4/5 attacks on the charge against one of his and then 10 fire dragons put 1 wound on another of Gaz's Wraithknights and Shriek did nothing to it either after he passed the 3d6 leadership... he then went on to table me...

Game3: 15-5 Win!! Will Metcalf, Blob Guard, 50 guys, Yarrick, Priest, Melta Platoon Command, Vendetta, Vet squad, 2 Wyverns, 3 Artillery pieces, Cypher, Inquisitor with the works, Coteaz. It was Emperors will, so he sat on that objective, I took everything else out, won Maelstrom buy about 7pts (can only claim two per turn and I gave up turn3 lol) and then had 3 chances to win the game, turn5 I tank shocked a obsec Serpent into the middle of his blob to draw his objective, I have mine = win, but game goes to turn6, so he wrecks it, but leaves enough of a gap for avengers to come out, again I draw his.. but game goes to turn7, this time I tank shock 2 Serpents into the blob, the first gets through, the next dies to the lascannon shot!! meaning I cannot take he completely off his objective! so we draw that part of the mission.

Game4: Keiran something, 13-7 LOSS! Blob guard again, Relic... Keiran was using, 40guys, yarrick, priest, 3 thudd guns, Azreal, Libby lvl1, 2x3 Bikes with Melta and Attack Bike, 1x3 Bikes with Flamers and Attack bike, 2x3 Black Knights with -1 toughness grenade. He outflanked the attack bikes and 2 melta bike squads. Keiran goes first so the flamer bikes jump on the relic and drag it to the blob turn1, I kill the bikes in combat with a Wraithknight, turn2 the blob then charges the wraithknight, I then charge the second wraithknight in to blob and combat goes on until the end of my turn4, at this stage I've taken everything bar the blob which is about 10 guys bike, 2 bikes and the thudd guns off the table, I then turbo a obsec Serpent to contest the relic, I lose Maelstrom by a point and we draw tertiary, so I get 7pts... was always a tough match up.

Game5: Martin Ramsey: 12-8 LOSS, Draigo, Lvl3 Libby, Lvl3 Libby 5 Strikes, 2 Dreadknights with Flamer and Teleporter, Tiggy, 5 Scouts, 6 Devastator Centurions. I thought I was about to win the game until Tiggy rolled Ignore Cover on 1 dice and Invisibility on the next... after the libbys got rubbish powers. I had a thought when I noticed the army first time when looking around day1, I would deep strike the Wraithknights and outflank the Hornets, so thats what I did, In the end I was happy to take points on the game, I lost Primary as he stuck to centre where 4 objectives were, I couldn't push to contest them, so concentrated on sacrificing units to get maelstrom and draw secondaries, so thats what I did. This left me on 50/100pts, theoretically, I would only need 10pts from my last game to qualify.

Game6: Chris Dickinson, 17-3 Loss! Skyblight, 3 Flying Tyrants, 2 Harpies, 2 Hive Crones, 30 Gargoyles, 5 Genestealers, 10 Hormagaunts... was probably my most frustrating game, it was my own fault as well, which ****** me off even more... basically I was way too aggressive and basically tabled Chris in the first turn as he reserves all the FMCs, the game ended turn4 with Chris going second, I couldn't get back to the objectives in time as I'd pushed into midfield, when I should have got first strike and ran away back to my board edge, so to give me another 2 turns of fire power while he moved to get into range.. but I didn't and in the end I lost primary, draw maelstrom and lose tertiary... gutted!

But was super chuffed for Nick to qualify on gaming skill, then as we were leaving Rob Sims litterally shouted at us to get back as we'd one of us had won something! And again it was Nick winning most Sporting which is awesome!!! Totally deserved, I think 90% of us would have thrown the towel in after losing your car before the event then getting 20-0'd in the first game, but he kept his head down, was still super friendly and we laughed all weekend and finished top20 on gaming skill as well. So full respect and totally deserve that AWESOME trophy!

Oh and another thing to note, Sisters of Battle went and won the whole event!


Messages In This Thread
GT 2014/15 Heat3 - by Embolden - 29-08-2014, 08:32 PM
RE: GT 2014/15 Heat3 - by Nick1988 - 30-08-2014, 11:09 AM
RE: GT 2014/15 Heat3 - by Embolden - 30-08-2014, 05:09 PM
RE: GT 2014/15 Heat3 - by manrogue - 30-08-2014, 02:27 PM
RE: GT 2014/15 Heat3 - by Embolden - 08-11-2014, 07:26 AM
RE: GT 2014/15 Heat3 - by jaqenhgar - 08-11-2014, 10:31 AM
RE: GT 2014/15 Heat3 - by Stuart - 08-11-2014, 11:48 AM
RE: GT 2014/15 Heat3 - by Peachy - 08-11-2014, 02:02 PM
RE: GT 2014/15 Heat3 - by Agincourt - 08-11-2014, 09:15 PM
RE: GT 2014/15 Heat3 - by Nick1988 - 10-11-2014, 08:30 PM
RE: GT 2014/15 Heat3 - by jaqenhgar - 10-11-2014, 09:42 PM
RE: GT 2014/15 Heat3 - by manrogue - 10-11-2014, 10:51 PM
RE: GT 2014/15 Heat3 - by Simian - 11-11-2014, 09:04 AM
RE: GT 2014/15 Heat3 - by smallpoxeldar - 11-11-2014, 12:13 PM
RE: GT 2014/15 Heat3 - by Stuart - 11-11-2014, 12:17 PM
RE: GT 2014/15 Heat3 - by Embolden - 12-11-2014, 09:11 AM
RE: GT 2014/15 Heat3 - by manrogue - 12-11-2014, 09:25 AM

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