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warhammer 40k cities of death campaign!
i suggest that people that are going to do our campaign do a practice battle against someone as that is what me and sarah are going to do.
and you will need a 1500pts

How the campaign will work:
what will happen is that you will be put into parrtners which i will randomly choose at home. Then there will be duo fights going on. WE will all do the same scenario, we will do the gamma setup for the board and then do the fire sweep scenario which is take the ruins and look after them. After all the duo's have fought everyone on the opposing side on the final week we will do a enormous Omega battle with thw whole teams fighting each other on one board on that day i will give you all a private message if i know your name and give you a random mission which maybe to desive your own team for one or two. YOU CANNOT TELL PEOPLE YOUR MISSION!!. when this happens you will get a point if you manage to complete your objective . it will be good match but everyone needs to be organised if we are going to complete the campaign. You will have to pick a captain to lead your battle they will tell you what to do or just make sure you are doing it right.

you are only aloud to change 1/4 of the pts in your army after every game but you don't have too. This is why a advise you too play a practise game either at the club or another time.

there will be a table of the individual players put in there teams. The team that wins must have more points than the enemy to win. How you get points? just like football 3 for a win 1 for a draw 0 for a loss. Also alongside that you have another objective through out the whole, to anihilate units and you get 1 point for every unit you destroy in a seperate league and the person that destroyes the most unit will be nick named the destroyer. And the leader of that at the end of thw duo battles will get the nick name. But people might get jelous

We will roughly start on the 13th June but if the days are moved we it wil be the day that week.


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RE: warhammer 40k city scenario - by Dark Wolf - 26-05-2011, 08:13 PM

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