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Necro Campaign Scenarios
Sounds a plan, just trying to do pretty Mission doc GW style. Will post here when done.
just found this online while looking for a mission template, some scenarios in here we might look to do in the future?

As promised rough draft, feedback appreciated-

Attached Files
.pdf   fo_085_a_captive_audience.pdf (Size: 306.73 KB / Downloads: 662)
.docx   Zombie Island.docx (Size: 13.28 KB / Downloads: 1,133)
40k- Space marines(5000 pts) Imperial guard (3000 pts) Tau (3000 pts)
Epic 40k-Space marines/Imperial Guard(2000 pts)
Infinity Yu jing (Aprox 1000 pts)
Necromunda Escher Mad capsules Avalanche
Blood bowl Skaven
can't seem to read the zombie doc, text is all garbled, probably I have got an old version of word?
40K - Dark Angels, Dark Eldar, Necrons; Lord of the Rings - lots; Bloodbowl - Dwarves, Wood Elves; SAGA - Anglo Danes & Welsh; Guildball - Morticians, Engineers; Dropzone/fleet - Shaltari
Lol, no worries copy and pasted.

Using the map you purchased, you have set out across the sump sea looking for the buried Archeotect. You have found the Island, exactly where it said it was on the map. Upon exploring you can’t escape the feeling of dread in your bones. Thats when you spot them. This island in the Underhive is overrun, thousands of the infected are roaming, looking for flesh to devour.
In this scenario, both gangs are trying to escape the island before they become infected or worse!
Terrain is placed according to normal rules. Once you have placed the terrain you must place 8 counters on the table edge (2 for each edge) to represent the Zombie spawn point.

Each player takes it in turn to place a counter. Roll a D6 to see which player goes first. Spawn counters must be placed no more than 8" from the edge of the table and at least 8" away from each other.
Counters are placed before deciding deployment of gangs, so ensure that the counters are placed towards the middle of the table.
Once all the Spawn counters have been placed each player rolls a dice. The high scorer chooses which table edge he wishes to set up on, and places all of his gang fighters within 8" of the centre of the board.
His opponent then sets up within 8" of the opposite table edge in the centre of the board.
When gangs have been set up; roll for zombie numbers and set them up as below.
2+D3 zombies are placed at each Spawn point, each player takes it in turn to roll. Roll a D6 to see which player goes first, you then deploy that number of zombies within 4” of the spawn point.
Zombies are very simple creatures; they move towards food and then eat. Unfortunately, their food is your gang! To represent the shuffling, mindless advance of the zombies, they have their own turn and move according to simple rules.
From turn two onwards, D3 Zombies will come on from each spawn point.
When both players have completed their turns the zombie horde then moves. Zombies automatically move towards the closest gang member, even if that character is out of their line of sight or unreachable (e.g. behind a wall, or up on a platform). Zombies are moved one at a time, with players taking turns to move them, of course this could lead to a player moving zombies towards his own characters, but no-one said life in the hive was easy! Each zombie only moves once per turn, and charges 2D6.
For example, after player 2 completes his own turn; Player 1 selects one of the zombies and moves it towards the nearest ganger. Player 2 then selects another zombie and moves it towards the nearest ganger, player 1 then moves another zombie.
When all the zombies have moved, it is the zombie attack turn…
Resolve hand to hand combat as normal. As above, players take it in turns to attack their opponent (or even their own gang!) using the zombies. Each zombie may attack only once per Zombie Attack turn.
When all zombies have made their moves and attacks, their turn ends and the gangs move.

Turn Sequence:
1. Player 1: Movement, combat and recovery as normal.
2. Player 2: Movement, combat and recovery as normal.
3. Zombie Move: Players A and B alternate moving zombies.
4. Zombie Attack: Players A and B alternate zombie attack

Both players roll a D6 and the highest scoring player takes the first turn.

The game ends when one of the gangs exits the board from the side.
Any gangers left on the table (i.e Down when the rest of his gang has left) is devoured by the zombies on 1-2, becomes infected on a 3-4 (this counts as a wound roll a d6 before each battle on a roll of 1 that member has succumbed to the virus!), and escapes on a 5-6.

At the end of the game, gang members gain the following experience:
+2D6 Survives. Each fighter who survives the battle earns D6 points. Even fighters who are wounded and taken out of action receive experience for taking part.
+1 Zombie Kill. A fighter earns 5 points for each zombie that he puts out of action.
40k- Space marines(5000 pts) Imperial guard (3000 pts) Tau (3000 pts)
Epic 40k-Space marines/Imperial Guard(2000 pts)
Infinity Yu jing (Aprox 1000 pts)
Necromunda Escher Mad capsules Avalanche
Blood bowl Skaven
Sounds great Vince! Just a few things:

1. Need to add in about Zombies charging
2. Slightly confused about placement of Zombies and gangs. Are the spawn points on the table edge? Do the Zombies only spawn once at the start of the game, or is there a roll each turn? Do the gangs deploy in the centre or at the edge? Can the gangs exit off any table edge or are there only two edges they can exit off?
3. Think it should say 'Spawn' counters under the GANGS section, instead of 'loot' counters
4. did you want to go with Zombies being immune to pinning?

I would suggest keep rolling for Zombies each turn - you need to escape quickly, the Zombie horde is unending! re-reading it sounds like they can only escape off two of the edges, does each gang need to escape off their own edge? And setting gangs up in the centre, how about more than 8" away from a rival gang member, within 4" of a line drawn down the centre of the board and split the deployment zone in half? so lets say gang 1 exits in the North, gang 2 exits S, gang 1 deployed within 4" of centre line running E to W, on the E side, gang 2 deployed on the W side?

If a member goes 'out', could he be replaced by a counter that one of your gangers can carry for a reduced movement to 2", and no running? you could choose to try and save you buddies, by endangering yourself!

Just suggestions feel free to ignore as desired!
40K - Dark Angels, Dark Eldar, Necrons; Lord of the Rings - lots; Bloodbowl - Dwarves, Wood Elves; SAGA - Anglo Danes & Welsh; Guildball - Morticians, Engineers; Dropzone/fleet - Shaltari
Oops, thats what i get for using someones mission as a template for mine. Tongue
Was gonna have the D6 movement, but think with the amount of Zombies that it migh be a pain to keep track of!
I am Going for Zombies being immune to pinning, will add there stats in a min. Will try and get a nice diagram of the deployment type to clarify things Smile
40k- Space marines(5000 pts) Imperial guard (3000 pts) Tau (3000 pts)
Epic 40k-Space marines/Imperial Guard(2000 pts)
Infinity Yu jing (Aprox 1000 pts)
Necromunda Escher Mad capsules Avalanche
Blood bowl Skaven
maybe 1 or d3 zombie(s) per spawn point enters each turn after the first?
40K - Dark Angels, Dark Eldar, Necrons; Lord of the Rings - lots; Bloodbowl - Dwarves, Wood Elves; SAGA - Anglo Danes & Welsh; Guildball - Morticians, Engineers; Dropzone/fleet - Shaltari
Could you use the stats of plague zombies from the scavs gang for the zombies? they work pretty much as you expect zombies to, with the d6 chance of turning their victims into zombies when they take them out
WARHAMMER/AGE OF SIGMAR:  khorne warriors of chaos
WARMACHINE: Khador, mercenaries 
BOLT ACTION 51st highlander division (in progress)
KILL TEAM: Adeptus mechanicus

There are a shed load of scenario ideas and other stuff here:

History is written by the victors - Sir Winston Churchill
Wow that is a brilliant resource page!
40K - Dark Angels, Dark Eldar, Necrons; Lord of the Rings - lots; Bloodbowl - Dwarves, Wood Elves; SAGA - Anglo Danes & Welsh; Guildball - Morticians, Engineers; Dropzone/fleet - Shaltari
OK here is the treasure island scenario, comments and suggestions welcome!

The Treasure Island

Going from rumours and a scrap of old map scrawled on the hide of a swamp beast, you venture out across the chem. Sea. Using a combination of millennia old walkways and improvised rafts, you finally spot the island, a heap of twisted plascreet and metal rising in front of you through the murk. Just as you step upon the island, eager to seize your rightful loot, you realise you are not alone, and one of your rivals has found the island at exactly the same time! You unholster your guns and loosen your knives in your belts, there’s fightin’ to be done!

Set –up

Place terrain as normal (take it in turns to place terrain or just agree how you want it). You might want to use Stuart’s treasure island board, otherwise the edge of the board counts as the ‘waters’ edge. Set up the 10 loot counters at least 12” away from the two palyer table edges, and at least 4” from another loot counter (players may alternate placing counters). You will need two loot counters with '1' on them, three with '2', one with '3', two with '4', one with '5', and one with '6'. They should be shuffled and placed face down without either player knowing which is which.


Once all counters have been placed, players roll off, the low scorer picks which table edge they wil enter on, his opponent picks the opposite edge.

The gangs arrive at the island either by a ramshackle and leaky boat, or across a narrow walkway (the island is probably two or three miles from the ‘mainland’, but it’s hard to see that far in the murky underhive).

Therefore do not deploy any gang members, gangs move onto the board from a point of entry 3” wide of their choosing on their own table edge (rolled for as normal).

Starting the game

Players roll off and the higher scoring player takes the first turn.

Special rules

This is basically a fight for the loot! A model can only carry a single loot counter. When a model moves on top of a loot counter that counter is revealed. A number is on the bottom of each counter, refer to this list (number in brackets is the number of counters of this type). Note that you cannot immediately equip any equipment found, you must wait till next time you play.

1 Booby trapped! The ganger is hurled back 3” and takes an automatic S3 hit. Any ganger approaching within 2” of the counter from now on sets the trap off again (2)
2 a bag of loot worth 20 creds (3)
3 a bag of loot worth 50 creds (1)
4 Equipment: roll a D6: 1 = smoke bomb; 2 = weapon reload (basic of your choice); 3 = infra-goggles; 4 = concealed blade; 5 = mesh armour; 6 = grav chute (2)
5 Shiny equipment : roll a D3: 1 = medi-pack; 2 = isotropic fuel rod; 3 = needle pistol (1)
6 Mad Jake; This is Mad Jake’s island! Place Mad Jake in base contact with the ganger, they are locked in combat and Jake counts as charging. He has the profile of a gang leader and is armed with an autopistol and a sword. If he wins the combat he will move towards the closest visible ganger, of either gang, charging if he can, and firing his pistol if not. If no gangers are visible he will move D6” in a random direction – roll the scatter dice. (1)

A model may pick up the loot counter when standing on it, but can move no further that turn. When carrying loot, a model cannot shoot and if it fights in assault it will drop the loot counter automatically. A model carrying a loot counter MUST move back towards his own point of entry, and may run or hide as normal. When they reach their point of entry they exit and may not return. Models may transfer loot counters to a different model in base contact but neither can shoot that turn.

Ending the game

The gangs have travelled a long and dangerous path to get here, and are ready for a scrap, so will only have to start taking bottle rolls when reduced to 50% of their starting number.

The game ends when one gang fails their bottle roll, or all loot counters have been removed from the table.

Any gangers holding loot counters when the game ends due to one gang bottling it is counted as having escaped with that counter (even if they are on the losing side). The winner claims all unclaimed loot counters.


+D6 for surviving gang members
+5 Exp for recovering a loot counter
+5 Exp for each wounding hit
+10 Exp for the winning gang leader

The Creds found as loot are added directly to your stash.

.doc   The Treasure Island.doc (Size: 24.5 KB / Downloads: 389)
40K - Dark Angels, Dark Eldar, Necrons; Lord of the Rings - lots; Bloodbowl - Dwarves, Wood Elves; SAGA - Anglo Danes & Welsh; Guildball - Morticians, Engineers; Dropzone/fleet - Shaltari

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