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Got an idea for a list, wondered what people think of it:

Sammael - jetbike (plasma cannon, eternal warrior, nice shiny sword)

Librarian - bike, melta bombs, force axe, combi-plasma

Ravenwing attack squadron - 6 bikes, 2 plasma guns, plasma pistol, apothecary, attack bike with multimelta

4 x Ravenwing attack squadron - 3 bikes, 2 melta guns, attack bike with multimelta

Landspeeder squadron - one with typhoon ml and mm, 1 with multimelta

2 x landspeeders with typhoon ml and mm

Could drop the libby and a speeder and take a deathwing squad to support. With bikes getting a 5+ jink save and attack bikes being T5 could be good, and I love bikes...nightmare in killpoint games.

10 scoring units, 9 multimeltas, really fast (all bikes have scout and fearless), only 25 models and 4 laandspeeders...

40K - Dark Angels, Dark Eldar, Necrons; Lord of the Rings - lots; Bloodbowl - Dwarves, Wood Elves; SAGA - Anglo Danes & Welsh; Guildball - Morticians, Engineers; Dropzone/fleet - Shaltari
All think an all Bike list would be cool, I will have to arrange a game against you and this list when it is ready, even though i think it will pummel me! Think it will be a fun game.
40k- Space marines(5000 pts) Imperial guard (3000 pts) Tau (3000 pts)
Epic 40k-Space marines/Imperial Guard(2000 pts)
Infinity Yu jing (Aprox 1000 pts)
Necromunda Escher Mad capsules Avalanche
Blood bowl Skaven
That'd be good! I still need to buy a Ravenwing boxed set to do this list, so it prob won't be for a couple of months having just spent this months budget on some Flames of War stuff. Not sure how it will perform to be honest, the bikes are still only T5 with a 3+ save and 5+ jink save, so are fairly easy to kill compared to their points cost (about 45pts each), but it's got a lot of melta and a plasma-death squad with apothecary (and most importantly zooms about the battlefield looking cool!). I could also give that squad a banner and power fist if I can find the points (maybe drop a speeder) and they then each get an extra attack so aren't too bad in combat either, especially with the new I10 hammer of wrath attacks helping a bit. Obviously, wouldn't charge them into terminators or paladins though...
40K - Dark Angels, Dark Eldar, Necrons; Lord of the Rings - lots; Bloodbowl - Dwarves, Wood Elves; SAGA - Anglo Danes & Welsh; Guildball - Morticians, Engineers; Dropzone/fleet - Shaltari
Changed the list slightly, going to try a chappy instead of the libby, he gets an inv save and doesn't risk perilling, with his 'power' auto succeeding. Sticking a banner and power sword and meltabombs in the big bike squad gives me quite a nice combat unit (7 I10 hammer of wrath hits, 6 I5 power maul and 5 I4 power sword attacks, and 15 I4 S4 attacks on the charge, with re-rollable hits..tasty Smile not to mention the firepower to start with due to relentless), now, just need to get them to their target intact (T5, 3+ save/5+ jink save with 5+ FNP(only negated by S10 attacks) should help! Just not going to charge anything with a 2+ save.

Also I think I am overdoing the meltaguns, so one RAS squad now has flamers.

Just need the chappy on bike to arrive from e-bay and I can try it out on Tuesday! Will probably try a libby later, but need to acqure and convert one onto a bike first.
40K - Dark Angels, Dark Eldar, Necrons; Lord of the Rings - lots; Bloodbowl - Dwarves, Wood Elves; SAGA - Anglo Danes & Welsh; Guildball - Morticians, Engineers; Dropzone/fleet - Shaltari
(18-07-2012, 11:08 PM)jaqenhgar Wrote: Got an idea for a list, wondered what people think of it:

Sammael - jetbike (plasma cannon, eternal warrior, nice shiny sword)

Librarian - bike, melta bombs, force axe, combi-plasma

Ravenwing attack squadron - 6 bikes, 2 plasma guns, plasma pistol, apothecary, attack bike with multimelta

4 x Ravenwing attack squadron - 3 bikes, 2 melta guns, attack bike with multimelta

Landspeeder squadron - one with typhoon ml and mm, 1 with multimelta

2 x landspeeders with typhoon ml and mm

Could drop the libby and a speeder and take a deathwing squad to support. With bikes getting a 5+ jink save and attack bikes being T5 could be good, and I love bikes...nightmare in killpoint games.

10 scoring units, 9 multimeltas, really fast (all bikes have scout and fearless), only 25 models and 4 laandspeeders...

I would be tempted to put a few flamers in there, plasma/melta is nice, but eventually you'll need to start taking out infantry.

What powes does the libby have? What rulebook powers would it have access to? running him around in the big bike squad makes sense, especially with prescience on the plasma, makes them quite potent at anti-flyer.

Overall I like the list, but in it's current form I think it might struggle against the horde type list, but there aren't any at the club, so that makes sense. Big Grin

Looks good Chris, both themed and potent.
Dropfleet Commander: UCM
Dropzone Commander: UCM
Star Wars X-Wing: Rebel Alliance
Magic the Gathering
LotR SBG: High Elves
Warhammer 40,000 7th ed.: Astra Militarum & Eldar
Halo Fleet Battles: Covenant
BFG: Imperial Navy & Eldar Corsairs
Warhammer Fantasy 8th ed.: Warriors of Chaos

Element Games referral code JAS173.
(21-09-2012, 11:48 AM)Embolden Wrote: I would be tempted to put a few flamers in there, plasma/melta is nice, but eventually you'll need to start taking out infantry.

What powes does the libby have? What rulebook powers would it have access to? running him around in the big bike squad makes sense, especially with prescience on the plasma, makes them quite potent at anti-flyer.

Overall I like the list, but in it's current form I think it might struggle against the horde type list, but there aren't any at the club, so that makes sense. Big Grin

Thanks for the feedback Rob, I agree about the flamers, hence one squad will have them, see edited list below. I have given the chappy a combi-plasma by dropping meltabombs on two RAS melta squads - might regret this but will see how it goes. The double landspeeder squad has two heavy bolters now instead of multi-meltas, I envisage it hanging around at the back. From experience shoving landspeeders at the enemy is a good way to make them die quick.

For hordes, there are the 6 frag blasts from the speeders, two heavy bolters, two flamer templates and 24 twin-linked bolters, which is not to be sniffed at (~21 hits, 14 wounds on T3), plus hordes tend to be slow so they have to catch me first if they are assaulty. Hordes also tend to have low S weapons, so combined with T5 they are only wounding me on a six. Of course they may outnumber me 4 to 1...

When I try a libby I will prob take divination, and try and get presience (re-roll those 1's from the plasmas) and hope to get either perfect timing (ignore cover - for hordes when I will be firing the tl bolters instead of plasma) or scrier's gaze (roll 3 dice and choose for reserves/outflank).
Invisibility from telepathy would also be nice but chances are I won't roll it.

Here's the edited list:

Sammael - jetbike (plasma cannon, eternal warrior, nice shiny sword)
Chappy - meltabombs, combi-plasma
RAS - 6 bikes, 2 plasma guns, apothecary, banner, power sword, meltabombs, attack bike with multimelta
3 x RAS - 3 bikes, 2 melta guns, attack bike with multimelta
1 x RAS - double flamer, attack bike with multimelta
Landspeeder squadron - one with typhoon ml and hb, 1 with hb
2 x landspeeders with typhoon ml and mm (separate units)

Want to try all Ravenwing first, before mixing in some Deathwing squads for a dualwing list.

JJ - it remains to be seen how potent it will be - it's got an even lower model count than the Deathwing list I have run!
40K - Dark Angels, Dark Eldar, Necrons; Lord of the Rings - lots; Bloodbowl - Dwarves, Wood Elves; SAGA - Anglo Danes & Welsh; Guildball - Morticians, Engineers; Dropzone/fleet - Shaltari
I like it, how much are meltabombs, can you find the points for one on the flamer squad? I think it would give them a role in case thet find themselfs facing a manticore or something stationary thats an easy target which flamers cannot really touch.

Other than that, it's great!

meltabombs are 5pts each, only the sergeant can have them, so could drop the combi-plasma for two, or swap them from the big squad. However, all bikers are armed with krak and frag grenades, so the flamer squad is not totally without the means to take on armour, against things with rear AV10, I will be glancing on a 4 with krak grenades, which isn't bad.

Any AV14 will have to be dealt with by the 7multimeltas or 6 meltaguns, and I don't want to get into combat with dreads unless I have meltabombs but plasma and krak missiles are good against those as well.

Only thing is not got any dedicated anti-flyer so I will have to ignore them as best I can or hope to get lucky, but you can't have everything!
killpoint mission will be tricky though, as I have 15 to give away...and first blood for the opponent if they get first turn is pretty easy as well...
40K - Dark Angels, Dark Eldar, Necrons; Lord of the Rings - lots; Bloodbowl - Dwarves, Wood Elves; SAGA - Anglo Danes & Welsh; Guildball - Morticians, Engineers; Dropzone/fleet - Shaltari
Ah yes, totally forgot Marines come with Krak nades, so at least they can do something, when/if they have the oppertunity.

I look forward to seeing this accross the table. Are you up for a re-match at some point in oct?


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