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Caledonian 2015 build up and tournament thread!
Hey guys,

So here are my day1 reports, day2 to follow when I have a bit more time.

GAME1: Big Guns, Hammer and Anvil

The sisters player ended up not attending the event, so all the planning went out the window.. I ended up playing this list:

Daniel Russell
Alliance level: Battle Brothers

HQ 1: Farseer (100) singing spear (5) jetbike (5) = [120] [WARLORD]
HQ 2: Farseer (100) singing spear (5) jetbike (5) = [120]
TROOP 1: Windrider Jetbikes: 3 Jetbikes [51]
TROOP 2: Windrider Jetbikes: 3 Jetbikes [51]
FAST ATTACK 1: Crimson Hunter Exarch (180) Bright Lances (0) =[180]
FAST ATTACK 2: Nightwing (145) =[145]
FAST ATTACK 3: Nightwing (145) =[145]
HEAVY SUPPORT 1: Vaul's Wrath Battery, 3 Shadow Weavers (3 x 30) [90]

FORTIFICATION: Aegis Defence Line (50) comm link (20) [70]

HQ 1: Archon (60) webway portal (35) hatwire grenade (5) armour of misery (15) [115] + TRANSPORT 1
HQ 1: Court of the Archon: 1 Lhamian (10) [10]+ TRANSPORT 2
ELITE 1 Wracks: 5 Wracks (55) [55] + TRANSPORT 3
TROOP 1 Kabalite Warriors (45) [45] + TRANSPORT 4
TROOP 2 Kabalite Warriors (45) [45] + TRANSPORT 5
FAST ATTACK: Reaver Jetbikes: 12 Reaver Jetbikes (192) 4 cluster caltrops (4x15) 4 heat lances (4x10) [292]
TRANSPORT 1 Venom (55) splinter cannon (10) [65]
TRANSPORT 2 Venom (55) splinter cannon (10) [65]
TRANSPORT 3 Venom (55) splinter cannon (10) [65]
TRANSPORT 4 Venom (55) splinter cannon (10) [65]
TRANSPORT 5 Venom (55) splinter cannon (10) [65]
TOTAL 1849

Looking at his list I felt quite confident if I won the roll for board sides, I didn't, he got 2 LoS blocking pieces of terrain to my zero LoS blocking terrain, I did won the roll for turns, deployed first in a spread out manner, 2 Serpents left flank, 2 right, wraithknights and shadow weavers central with summoning seer behind, warlord seer joins the shadow weavers, Dan only needed one LoS blocker, he ended up hiding 5 Venoms and the Shadow Weavers behind a giant wall.. he reserved the Jetbikes and the Reaver deathstar would deep strike without scattering somewhere nice, so I gave him turn1 as I would have nothing to shoot at and the objective jump would be vital!

After fanning his entire army out, I got lucky turn1 as he shot everything into a single Wraithknight reducing it to one wound. No first strike!

I gunned down a single Venom, made another jink and immobilised another.. my dice were shocking! I expected to kill 3 at least.

Everything arrived from reserve as planned for Dan, Jetbikes stayed in reserve. He moves and shoots lots of shots, doesn't kill the Wraithknight on one wound, does blow up a Serpent and reduces another to a single HP

I split my priorities, focussing on one flyer and trying to kill the obsec venoms, I kill another Venom and a Nightwing, plus the contents of the Venom.


The Reaver deathstar fluffs massively as it fails to kill a Serpent in combat, I lose the serpent on 1HP to a flyer and I lose the 1 wound Wraithknight, then I lose the other Wraithknight to a neat trick using some archon buff to reduce my LD by 2, he shrieks with a Farseer, I throw all but a couple of dice to stop it (15) to stop 1 success, I fail and he takes it off the table.. clever tactic.

My turn3 and I finish off all but the immobilised Venom, but I'm turbing serpents around to get into position for a turn5 objective grab and to avoid the reaver star, I have been summoning in my backfield to help with the Deathstar and contest objectives, Horrors and Daemonettes and Screamers. 2 units of Screamers have gone into his backfield tho and 1 unit is locked in combat with a unit of Jetbikes.

Reavers take the bait of an empty obsec Serpent I moved about 18" away from the Reavers, but its out the way massively, well its about 30" from another objective and its on the one none scoring objective and he goes for it. he wrecks it, cannot consolidate and can now only turbo to contest objectives next turn! (we only have 15mins left, so turn5 will be the last turn).

I rush my turn4, dropping off Dire Avengers to kill the Archon which they do, a Serpent and Shadow Weaver kills the rest of the infantry around objectives, leaving him with just a few Wracks, Nightwing, Shadow Weaver unit and the Reaver Deathstar with 2 attached characters.


Dan turbos onto objectives, splitting off like crazy, he ends up on every objective with at least something and does nothing with the Nightwing against a Serpent.

My turn5 is crazy rushed with 2 mins to play, Tim king will call the game after 2 mins and that will be that.. dice down, no more movement or anything.. so I don't even bother shooting, Dire Avengers jump on one objective to take it from the Shadow Weavers, Obsec Serpent moves to another to take it from the Wracks, both Screamer units contest 2 objectives between them, anther Dire Avenger unit moves to take another objective from a Farseer.

And will have to call is there.

I end up taking the primary mission 9-2 (2 heavies for him, 3 objectives for me) I take the maelstrom 9-7 and tertiary 2-1 (linebreaker and firststrike to Dans linebreaker)

20-0 win!

Was happy to get the win, played pretty perfectly if a little slowly, was rushing way to much, but learnt a lot from the game.

GAME2: Purge the Alien and Vanguard Strike

Ryan Atherton
Alliance level: single detachment
Primary - Combined Arms Detatchment - Eldar

HQ1- Farseer - 170 points
(Jetbike, Mantle of the laughing god, The Spirit stone of Anath'lan) [WARLORD]
HQ2- Eldrad - 205 Points
TROOP1- Dire Avengers(5) - 210 points
+ Wave Serpent (Holo-Fields, Twin-Linked Scatter laser, Shuriken Cannon)
Dire Avengers(5) + Wave Serpent (Holo-Fields, Twin-Linked Scatter laser, Shuriken Cannon)
TROOP2- Dire Avengers(5) - 210 points
+ Wave Serpent (Holo-Fields, Twin-Linked Scatter laser, Shuriken Cannon)
Dire Avengers(5) + Wave Serpent (Holo-Fields, Twin-Linked Scatter laser, Shuriken Cannon)
TROOP3- Dire Avengers(5) - 210 points
+ Wave Serpent (Holo-Fields, Twin-Linked Scatter laser, Shuriken Cannon)
Dire Avengers(5) + Wave Serpent (Holo-Fields, Twin-Linked Scatter laser, Shuriken Cannon)
ELITES1- Wraithguard(5) - 305 points
+ Wave Serpent (Holo-Fields, Twin-Linked Scatter laser, Shuriken Cannon)
HEAVY SUPPORT1- Wraithknight - 240 points
HEAVY SUPPORT2- Wraithknight - 300 points
(Scatter Laser, Suncannon & Scattershield)

Pretty much a mirror match, bar I have less points invested in Holofields and Fire Dragons over Wraithguard, and my Inquisition which I squeezed in.

I won all the vital rolls, I got some LoS blocking terrain and a few ruins to hide things in, Ryan had just a single ruin, I won the roll for turn1 and took it!

Unfortunately for Ryan this wasn't much of a game, its a brief one this... its just Serpents firing at each other Wraithknights firing at each other.

I took out a Dire Avenger Serpent and reduced Eldrads/Wraithguard Serpent to 1 HP. Wraithknights put 2 wounds on his Heavy Wraithcannon Wraithknight.

He took out a Dire Avenger Serpent with his Serpents and did no damage to my Wraithknights.

I took out Eldrads Serpent another Dire Avenger Serpent and put 2 wounds on his Mantle Seer (he passed 4 3+ saves from a Serpent Shield) I put another wound on the same Wraithknight.

Ryan did no damage..

I take out the remaining Serpent, them my Wraithknight rolls a 6 when wounding his Wraithknight and Ryan fails his cover save, I also 6 his other Wraithknight which is in the open and fails his 5+ inv and kill the mantle seer with my Serpents... leaving just 10 Dire Avengers, Eldrad and 5 Wraithguard all within 6" of the right hand side of the table.. he's miles away.

Ryan calls the game. He had no cover, nowhere to hide it would of just been rolling dice. A shame it wasn't more of game, but really these Serpent mirror matchs are decided by a few roles early game.

As Ryan called it, I won 20-0 with max Maelstrom 23-0 and 3-0 tertiary

I had first turn and rolled well, he didn't roll badly turn1 but I had done enough damage and he hadn't that in my turn2 I could cripple his army.

Leaves me on 40/40 points.

GAME3: Relic, Hammer and Anvil.

Max Barton
Alliance level: Battle Brothers
Primary: Flesh Tearers Strike Force

HQ1: Sanguinary Priest (60): Jump Pack (15), The Veritas Vita (15), Bolt Pistol (1)= 91<---warlord
LOW: Commander Dante (220) = 220
ELITE1: 9 man Sanguinary Guard (165 + 132): Chapter Banner (25), Power Fists (2x10) = 342
TROOP1: 10 man Tactical Squad (70 + 5x14): Combi Melta on Sergeant (10), Melta Gun (10), Heavy Flamer (10) = 170 Drop Pod Transport (35) = 35
FA1: 5 man Assault Squad (85): 2x Melta Gun (2x10) Combi Melta (10) on Sergeant = 115 Drop Pod transport(0) = 0
FA2: 5 man Assault Squad (85): 2x Melta Gun (2x10) Combi Melta (10) on Sergeant = 115 Drop Pod transport (0) = 0
FA3: 5 man Assault Squad (85): 2x Melta Gun (2x10) Combi Melta (10) on Sergeant = 115 Drop Pod transport (0) = 0
FA4: 5 man Assault Squad (85): 2x Melta Gun (2x10) Combi Melta (10) on Sergeant = 115 Drop Pod transport (0) = 0
FA5: 5 man Assault Squad (85): 2x Melta Gun (2x10) Combi Melta (10) on Sergeant = 115 Drop Pod transport(0) = 0
FA6: 5 man Assault Squad (85): 2x Melta Gun (2x10) Combi Melta (10) on Sergeant = 115 Drop Pod transport (0) = 0

ALLIED DETACHMENT : Iron Hands (Space Marine) Allied Detachment
HQ1: Chapter Master (130): Bike (20), Power Fist (25), The Shield Eternal (50), Artificer Armour (20) = 245
TROOP1: Scout Squad (55) = 55

TOTAL 1848

Max's list is designed to beat mech! He did take a lot of pleasure when I asked how many melta in total when he answered 20..

I ended up winning sides (3 maelstrom objectives on my side, 2 on his and 1 in the centre). I win turn1 and give it away.

He just deploys the deathstar of Sang Guard, Priest, Chap Master and Dante. These jump on the relic and fall back.

He then lands 4 pods of Assault marines in my face. But targets a single Wraithknight in the open (bait!) He only does 2 wounds to it from 12 Melta!

I've castled in a corner bar the Mantle Seer on the opposite flank (again bait for a melta squad looking to get lucky) I disembark every eldar unit and go after these squads knowing I've got to finish them off or mostly off to stand a chance. Dire Avengers and Serpents do a great job finishing off 2 squads between them. The Wraithknights kill a few from either squad as well. 1 passes moral and is charged. But the Wraithknight fuffs big time, only killing 1.. the other squad fails and runs between 3 pods so the Wraithknight cannot make it through the gap to charge...

1 more pod comes down, they dont do any more damage, the deathstar continues to retreat with the Relic. Wraithknight in combat does little again killing 2 Marines leaving it facing 2.

My turn2 as more marines dropped in this turn 2 Avenger squads stay out, the other gets back in and the Serpent moves to block room. This time the Avengers fluff it a little, killing 4 between 2 squads leaving 1 marine. The one fire dragon that survived the Pods storm bolter shots wrecks a Pod with a Meltabomb for a Maelstrom point. Into assault, the Wraithknight assaults the squad that ran away last turn, the Dire Avengers assault the lone marine. All 3 combats stay locked this turn.. Both wraithknights are left fighting 1 marine.

The last assault squad pod lands in my face again, immobilising a Serpent this time. The Dire Avengers remain locked with the lone marine, the Wraithknights fair better finishing both squad off. Oh and the Deathstar continues to run away.

My turn3, knowing 10 tactical marines are about to land in my face I leave 1 Wraithknight behind to deal with that and another moves forwards to the Deathstar. Shooting sees a few assault marines die, the Wraithknight finishes them off in combat, this time the Farseer assaults the lone Marine doing no damage.

The tac squad comes down and kills some Dire Avengers the melta part of the squad kills a Serpent. Finally that marine left in combat fails a save and the Dire Avengers and Farseer are freed.

The Farseers start to summon stuff now, getting 2 units of Screamers on the table, both turbo boosting about to get within striking distance.

Oh at some stage the Farseer in the middle of the pods, summoned a Herald, which summoned a unit of Horrors which this turn turned themselves into a Lord of change, which runs towards the Deathstar after it landed safely. The Wraithknights finish off the Marines after shooting whittles them down.

I think Max feels he has won primary and somehow he's ahead on Maelstrom (I've not been keep a good check on what he's been getting but when he said he had 6 I was shocked... he only made it clear in 1 turn what he had got at that was an objective...) He runs off again.

I needed to get some Maelstrom points and I have a good hand, after moving I get 1 point for dominating objectives and another 2 for holding more than double his objectives, giving me the lead.

The Lord of change moves and runs to contest the relic, if the game ends I've drawn primary and won the rest.

The game goes on!


Max's deathstar charges and kills the Lord of change, but gets 1" consolidation, so cannot hide the relic, so I move a unit of screamers to contest and the game ends!!

Another close game!

Drew primary 5-5, won secondary 9-6 and won tertiary 2-1 with linebreaker and first strike.

15-5 win and I would be on table5 Game4!

So ends a VERY successful day1! I'm on 55/60points.


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RE: Caledonian 2015 build up and tournament thread! - by Embolden - 20-01-2015, 08:17 AM

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