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40K: Iron Warrior Project June 2014
Few more Pics!


Certainly balancing the 'gore' aspects better with the more models I paint


Love the blood and mud mixed on the ends of the claws!


Few little bits left to do.

On the underside I have tested my patience applying superglue to form small drips from the mechanical legs which I intend to grit up to give the appearance of fuel pouring out of this daemonic construct.

Tempted to play around with the eyes and vents, give the airbrush more of a workout and add some heat to the furnaces. Would it be too much?

Really feel I have the best of both worlds with Iron Warriors, Daemons and Tyranids.
Able to experiment with organic and mechanical painting, and fully immerse myself in various aspects.

Fluffwise: I know Iron Warriors are a mech-based army, and not fond of Daemons, but if there were someway in the legitimate fluff to bind them together before I go writing Backstory that would be awesome!
The worst time to have a heart attack is
in a game of Charades.

Bolt Action Soviet Union
W30K Adeptus Mechanicus
W40K Tyranids, Khorne Daemonkin
Warmahordes Circle Orboros

Messages In This Thread
40K: Iron Warrior Project June 2014 - by Khronic - 05-07-2014, 06:08 PM
RE: 40K: Iron Warrior Project June 2014 - by Khronic - 05-09-2014, 03:18 PM

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