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Kill team results
First game against Chris's dark angels

so I went in with 5 T5 and 2 T6 models against Chris's 13 man war band.

1st was quiet with the 2nd turn Chris's combat scouts charging my chaos marines on foot, with one of them surviving a lass cannon shot via a cover save(from my one marine), in the ensuring combat one of the scouts was stunned, my bikers charged in and remove the scouts.

turn 3 both sides move up with the lass cannon snap firing at Chris's heavy bolter marine, hitting but failing to wound (rolled the same dice twice)

turn 4 the game pick up in pace with Chris's librarian and assault marine moving up and then hitting the champion with a physic scream which knocked a wound of my chaos champion.....

this would be the only wound I take all game.....

Chris's entire war band opened up and I passed all my armour/FNP saves

the assault marines and the librarian charge into my champion, the champion and the chaos biker overwatch with the biker hitting with his melta gun and failing to wound (Dodgy) the biker then counter charges, in the combat phase everyone missed or failed to wound.

my turn the 4 chaos marines with bolters charge into the combat while the lass cannon tries a shot on the heavy bolter and misses.

in the combat everyone misses or fail to wound.

turn 5 and 2 dark angel tactical marines charge into the growing brawl, the rest of the dark angels shoot at the lass cannon marine and do nothing. in the combat phase one of the flamer assault marine is stunned and the other assault marine takes a power fist to the face and goes out of action.

the lass cannon marine and one of the marines who came out of combat charge back into the fray with the stunned marine removed from combat, and the champion taking out the librarian and one of the tactical marines, leaving only the lass cannon and a bolter chaos marine in combat with a tactical marine everyone else consolidates into cover.

turn 6 the dark angels shoot the chaos marines some more and the chaos marines continue to pass their saves. and the tactical marine is taken out in combat by the lass cannon chaos marine. the chaos marines, champion and bikers move on the remaining dark angels with the chaos marines firing at the tactical marines for no damage while the champion and biker charges the veteran space marine with plasma gun and the champion takes him out with a power fist powered uppercut to the chin.

turn 7 sees the champion and biker move up to one of the dark angel sniper scouts, everyone else shoots each other to no effect while the champion soaks with power fist with more blood in combat.

turn 8 the dark angels run away with their tails in between their legs.

I win with 6VP while Chris gets nothing.

no one dies, but Chris's flamer assault marine loses 1 WS due to injury.

after requisition and exp is done both sides get 30RP, with most of the dark angels getting advances before buying a extra scout with camo cloak and a missile launcher.

my chaos champion earned a total of 6xp (one from the requisition roll), which netted him a extra attack and the combat skills combat master and never tell me the odds.

with my 30RP I got blight grenades, Aura of dark Glory and Daemonic name on my chaos champion, which mean my chaos champion now is T6, a 3+ armour and cover save, a 5++ save as well as FNP and it will not die, while being on a bike (Hence T6) and having a power fist.

So watch out for plagatus, carrier of death lest he comes knocking on your door (and then driving though it and breaking your skull with his fist)
40K: Orks and Chaos Space Marines

standard deffwing tactic: rush fast and hit like a runaway freight train with a rocket booster on the last carriage...
remember kids, never trust an ork who shows his teeth

Messages In This Thread
Kill team results - by manrogue - 07-05-2014, 12:02 PM
RE: Kill team results - by Cookie101 - 07-05-2014, 01:37 PM
RE: Kill team results - by jaqenhgar - 07-05-2014, 03:35 PM
RE: Kill team results - by Peachy - 07-05-2014, 06:46 PM
RE: Kill team results - by will - 11-05-2014, 04:01 PM
RE: Kill team results - by Agent0range - 11-05-2014, 10:16 PM

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