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Red War Soc 40k League II Rules, Fixtures, Results and Banter thread!
Results and table updates, I'm sure it was 3 league games tonight?

Yes, thanks for the game Chris, was happy to come away with the win!

A brief battle report:

I got okay powers, rolled fortune first up, prescience and missfortune, Second Farseer: Prescience, Terrify and Invisibility, the Warlocks got 2 Protects, 1 Embolden, 1 Horrify, 1 Destructor and 3 Conceals.

Both had crap Warlord Traits

The objectives where from my PoV, top left, bottom left, top right, middle right and bottom right.

I was given first turn, both a blessing and a curse...

The Council set up aggressively on the line and dead centre of my deployment zone along with the Wraithknight which was still on the line, but towards the right.

Chris set up his Immortals with Veiltek, Zahn and Obyron join the 15 Warriors who all are out sight in a ruin.

Eldar turn1
I cast Fortune on the Council, Invisibility on the Wraithknight, Prescience on the Wraithknight, Prescience on the Council, Conceal and Protect also on the Council. Everything then moves across the table towards Chrises 2 units.

Necron turn1
Everything jumps over to where I've just come from... lol!

Not single shot fired turn1...

Eldar Turn2
I get 3 Jetbike squads from reserve and the Hawks land on the Bastion to man the Quadgun, same buffs go on the Council and Wraithknight, which form a giant horse shoe in which the Jetbike squads turbo boost into.

Necron Turn2
Chris gets both Nightscythes in from reserve, Warriors on foot and Doomscythe stay in reserve, the Deathmarks pop out one Nightscythe and move to tackle the Wraithknight, the rest of Necron forces hangs back, the immortals shuffle forwards and the Warriors fan out, the Quadgun gets 3 hits on the Warriors Scythe but fails to roll a 4+...

The Deathmarks put a wound on the Wraithknight and take out a Warlock with the flamer and the Scythes put down 3 Hawks.

Eldar turn3
The Council and Wraithknight get the same buffs, the Warriors and last Jetbike squad arrive from reserve, the Warrior hide behind the Bastion, Jetbikes go cower in the same corner as the other Jetbikes which split up due to the Doomscythe and the Hawks skyleap out. The Wraithknight jumps over towards an objective which is Skyfire, the Council moves to surround the Deathmarks, the Council then remove the Deathmarks getting 4 AP2 wounds... firstblood quickly follows as the Cryptek doesn't get back up.

Necrosn turn3
The Doomscythe and Warriors on foot come in from reserve, one Scythe goes off, the others mill around a little but plink off a wound from the Wraithknight and 2 DE Warriors are killed, then flee of the table...

Eldar turn4
Same powers on Council, Wraithknight out of Invisibility, so Missfortune goes on a Doomscythe, 3 Hawks arrive and put down 2 Warriors from the squad on foot of which they both get back up, the Council fan out a bit to protect the Jetbikes which are all cowering, the Wraithknight gets on the Skyfire objective and shoots at the Doomscythe which jink saves even with missfortune... (I think or no real damage done eitherway)

Necrons turn4
the Warriors top left take out the Hawks with help from Oby's squad on the objective bottom left, the Warrior Scythe flies off the table, the empty Scythe arrives and shoots into the Council and does no damage, the Immortals move towards the bottom right objective, tempting the Wraithknight to charge (5" through cover... you tease Chris!).

Eldar turn5
With it time to commit the Jetbikes jump on the objectives, 1 squad top right, 2 squads middle right, 1 squad bottom right, after getting Fortune, Invisibility and Prescience the none Warlord Farseer moves and turbo boosts to contest the top left objective, the Council then strings itself in a line that protects/contests all 3 objectives on the right flank.

Necrons Turn5
Chris brings the Warrior Scythe on, the Warriors jump out to contest the top right objective, the Immortals bottom left move towards the objective bottom right, the empty scythe and doom scythe move towards the Jetbikes in the centre, shooting clears the Jetbikes top right and 5/6 Jetbikes on the centre right objective leaving me with 2 objectives to 1, the Warrior top left shoot the Farseer and do no damage.

The Immortals charge into the Council and do no damage, lose to Immortals in return, fail moral and are swept!

The game goes on.

Eldar turn6
The Council consolidate and move towards the Warriors top right, the jetbike squad bottom right move onto the central objective and the Wraithknight stands and shoots at the Doomscythe taking off the Doomcannon, the Seer Council shoot dead the Warriors top right.

The Farseer top left charges into combat and both sides do no damage

Necron turn6,
the scythe and doomscythe can only get angle/range to move to target the Wraithknight, they strip off 2 wounds, leaving it on 2, the Warriors and Farseer bounce off each other.

No turn 7 so the game ends....

Victory to the Eldar, 6-3 Primary and 2-1 on Secondaries

A really cagey and tactically challenging game!

I think Chris you made a few mistakes, turn2 I think you should have gone for the Jetbikes and ignored the Wraithknight, but I don't think you grasped how awesome Invisibility can be, so ended up giving me the Deathmarks and firstblood.

I think pretty much any chance you get to shoot the Jetbikes, it should have been taken, I should have also left a squad behind the Bastion and not clumped 3 squads top right to protect them much better, but clumping the made flyer movement much harder for you... hmm something to ponder.

I was also thinking about the empty Nightscythe, could that have picked the Immortals up turn3, flown them off the table turn4 and turn5 giving you a better chance of taking an objective turn5?

I also think you moved too close with the Nightscythes, so they where only effective for 1 turn each, although you did the right thing in flying them off, so their was constant pressure from at least1, as they have a 18" min movement and 24" range, I think you can get 2 turns out of them. But I could be wrong, as I've never used fliers on a consistent basis.

I was happy my army didn't really need the anti-air... so I'm thinking of changing my 1850pt list to represent this.

I thou-rally enjoyed this very tactical and not very bloody battle I'd only killed 6 models by the end of my turn5 and they where taken out turn3... Cool


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RE: Red War Soc 40k League II Rules, Fixtures, Results and Banter thread! - by Embolden - 27-11-2013, 01:34 AM

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