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New Harlequin Codex - Printable Version

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RE: New Harlequin Codex - manrogue - 09-02-2015

Off natfka but makes sense-
Quote:via an anonymous source on Faeit 212
Can finally confirm that the Codex: Harlequins is next. There's the
Codex, Datacards, a painting guide for Harlequins and the Harlequin
Starweaver as well. so should be a nice week for fans.

via a separate source on Faeit 212
Releases for this week.
Codex: Harlequins – 96 pages hardback full colour not a supplement but a full stand-alone codex
Datacards Harlequins – 7 Psychic cards and 36 tactical objectives
Harlequin Starweaver – transport for Harlequins, looking a lot like the DE Venom
Warriors of the Laughing God: A Harlequins Painting Guide – 168pages, softcover painting guide.

Should be an interesting week, really looking forward to seeing Starweaver. Still have Jesters and Shadowseer to come as well!

RE: New Harlequin Codex - Embolden - 09-02-2015

Well if they're coming with psychic cards it means Shadowseer will be a psyker, looking to see if anything else is a psyker, doubt it.. the powers need to have a very solid primaris power (veil of tears in its current guise and WC1), can see them acting very similar to how Spiritseers are in the Eldar codex. WC2, nothing amazing, but fairly cheap and I will be happy.

A rough list concept in my head at the moment..

Farseer - Mantle, Jetbike, Spiritstone - rolls on divi once to get prescience, malefic twice, looking for summoning and something else thats good.. - 170pts
Farseer - Jetbike, to run with a squad rolling telepathy for invis, shrouded, might even give it a Shard for fearlessness - 115pts Or Eldrad.. think its time he came out to play.

3 Jetbikes - 51
3 Jetbikes - 51

Wraithknight - 240
Wraithknight - 240

Leaves 983pts for Harlequin Allies..

At the moment..

I'm thinking Solitaire with Haywire grenade for 150pts plus black library artifacts... guessing something good will be 50pts.

8 Harlequins - 8 Harlequin Kisses - 180
8 Harlequins - 8 Harlequin Kisses - 180

3 Skyweavers - 3 Zephrblades (read somewhere 5pts each) - 165

Leaves 248pts for Death Jesters, Shadowseers and Starweavers

The basic idea is that both Wraithknights are rammed straight down the opponents throat, backing them up are the Summoned Daemonettes, Harlequins and the Solitaire as a 2nd wave turn3/4. Skyweavers are actually quite handy in combat with lots of AP2 attacks so will be part of the first wave, but picking on a flank, hopefully this aggressive list will work, still a very raw concept. Totally depends on Shadowweavers and Starweavers as to how truly competitive this list will be.

RE: New Harlequin Codex - manrogue - 10-02-2015

The more i see the more i like the stuff from this codex-
[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=207286&d=1423517347]
[Image: cb05c4f9c71bb1082b086652cc3f796b_67097.jpg]

RE: New Harlequin Codex - manrogue - 15-02-2015

Quote:ZeroNoRyouki on Warseer translates

The formations are awesome! I’m Italian so I can traslate them for you if you like. This is the first one:

1) 3 Troups, 3 DJ, 3 SS, 1 Solitaire, 2 units of Skyweavers, 1 unit of Voidweavers
Restriction: none
Special rules:
– outstanding performace (you may reroll inv saves of 1 for all the models of the formation)
– emissary of Cegorach (if the troup master is your warlord, you can reroll his harlequin’s warlord trait)
– pressing Crescendo (from the beginning of turn 2, all units in this formation with the Fleet special rule can Run and Charge in the same turn) <– this is huge!

PS: Crescendo is a musical term so i’m leaving as it is

Edit: the other 5..

2) 3 Troupes, 2 units of Skyweavers, 3 Starweavers, 1 unit of Voidweavers

– each Troupe must take one of the formation Starweavers as a Dedicated Transport

Special rules:
– emissary of Cegorach (if the troup master is your warlord, you can reroll his harlequin’s warlord trait)

– the aerial walk (one Troup from this formation can use his Hit&Run to embark in a free Starweaver from this formation. If the Hit&Run rolled distance is enough to move all models within 2″ of the Starweaver the Troupe can embark immediately. If a consolidation movement is enough to move all models within 2″ of a free Starweaver from this formation the Troupe can embark immediately) !!!

3) “company of actors”
1 Troupe, 1 DJ, 1 SS

– all models from this formation must deployed as a single unit. DJ & SS can’t leave the unit

Special rules:
– crusader
– heralds of the Laughing’s God (any models with the Eldar or Dark Eldar faction (friend or foe) within 6″ from one or more models of this formation gain the crusader special rule)

4) “Cegorach’s jest”
1 Troupe, 1 unit of Skyweavers, 1 unit of Voidweavers


Special rules:
– pressing Crescendo (from the beginning of turn 2, all units in this formation with the Fleet special rule can Run and Charge in the same turn)

5) “way of heroes”
1 DS, 1 SS, 1 Solitaire


Special rules:
– Infiltrate
– shrouded
– stealth
– a lonesome path (models from this formation cannot join other units and no one can join them)

6) “Faolchu’s Blade”
2 units of Skyweavers, 1 unit of Voidweavers


Special rules:
– the Wings of Faolchù (you may reroll failed cover saves while jinking with units of this formation)

RE: New Harlequin Codex - Nick1988 - 15-02-2015

Like the look of the first formation a lot! Not sure on points costs n stuff but the run and charge thing is massive!

RE: New Harlequin Codex - manrogue - 15-02-2015

Apparently the codex detachment has the run and charge as its bonus rule, which is very nice!
Quote:- allies confirmed

- warlord traits:

"Light" table

1) the warlord reroll all to-hit of 1 (shooting & cc) and all saves of 1
2) 4+ inv for the the warlord
3) the warlord and his unit can add 1" every time they move (movement, running, charging, fall back, regroup, hit&run, consolidation, sweep etc etc)
4) you can add 4 to any roll to steal the initiative
5) before deployment, choose up to D3 units from your primary detachment. every unit gain one of: deep strike, infiltrate, scout (choose as you like)
6) immediately after deployment and after scout moves, you can remove from the table your warlord and/or up to other D3 friendly units with the Harlequins faction within 12" of the warlord. Any units removed this way may immediately deployed using normal deploiment rules or put in Reserve

DJ and SS can roll a D6 on the BRB tables or a D3 (that's not a typo) on the Harlequins ones
The Troupe master can roll a D6 on every tables (BRB & codex)

"twilight" table

1-3) same as Light
4) if the mission use variable lenght, you can add or substract 2 to the roll to determine if the game ends
5) any to-wound roll of 6 made by the warlord in close combat (or any to-wound roll of 5+ while making a Kiss of Death attack) gain the Instant Death special rule
6) once per game your warlord and his unit can make a "mirror leap" instead of moving: they can move 24", moving over other models and terrains like in open terrain but cannon end over other models or in impassable terrains. They cannot charge in the same turn

"darkness" table

1-3) same as Light

4) enemy units in base contact with the warlord or his unit must roll an additional D6 while taking Fear or Morale tests

5) at the end of the game, before declaring the winner, you can move one time only your warlord and his unit like in the movement phase, than they can run or shoot like in the shooting phase, and, next, if you so desire, can charge and fight a single turn of combact like in the assault phase (the adversary can overwath and fight normally). If your warlord is locked in combat at the end of the game, he and his unit can only choose to fight an additional turn of combat. If the warlord unit is embarked, it can disembark but the transport cannot move or shoot. After the warlord and his unit have done this extra action the game end (finally I may say...)

6) if your warlord is removed from play while in a challenge, the players roll out immediately: if you win the roll out or if it is a tie the adversary of your warlord is removed as well
Warlord traits are pretty ace!

RE: New Harlequin Codex - Nick1988 - 15-02-2015

Best warlord traits ever!

RE: New Harlequin Codex - manrogue - 16-02-2015

Yeah, definitely the best warlord traits in a codex, and choice of three tables to boot!

Quote:via warseer’s Manwe 2-15-2014
Harlequin Deathjester

WS5 BS5 S3 T3 W2 I7 A3 Ld10 Sv -

Holosuit, Shuriken Shrieker Cannon, Flipbelt



Furious Charge

Hit & Run

Independent Character

Precision Shot

Can buy Haywire Grenades, Enigmas of the Black Library

Death is Not Enough: If an enemy unit suffers casualties from the Shrieker cannon, it must make a Ld. check at -2. If it fails, the Jeath Jester determines which direction the units falls back on it’s initial fallback move!

Harlequin Shadowseer

WS6 BS4 S3 T3 W2 I7 A3 Ld10 Sv -

Holosuit, Grenade Launcher, Shuriken Pistol, Mistave Flipbelt



Furious Charge

Hit & Run

Independent Character

Psyker (lvl1, upgradable to Lvl2) (Phantasmancy, Daemonology, Telepathy)

Can buy Haywire Grenades, Neuro-disruptor, Enigmas of the Black Library
Deathjester looks nasty with that -2 to LD, kill one model with him and it can set up shenanigans if LD check is failed.

RE: New Harlequin Codex - jjakaalbinoboy - 16-02-2015

Sounds awesome!

RE: New Harlequin Codex - Embolden - 16-02-2015

Lots of ideas running around my head..

namely deathstars...

I like a lot of the formations, would be like the freedom of not taking that massive formation (1000pts with min units and no upgrades).

Because then you can make some really nasty combos... Veil of Tears in a Seer Council is just one example.

But failing that.... I think I will build around the Crusader Formation, its simple, 1 Shadowseer, 1 Death Jester and a unit of Harlequins.. no Solitaire which is a bit pants, but gets around the Skyweaver and Voidweaver taxes...

However, if you can take a Shadowseer, I'd like to bolt one into the Formation that you have to take, 1 unit of Harlequions, 1 unit of Skyweaver and a Voidweaver but allows run then charge.. if you can go down that route, I'm doing it.. because thats massive!

I still think there are a lot of weaknesses... going first.. but then wanting to objective grab.. means you have to weather a turn of fire power, tough call.. if you go first or plan on going first, you have to be a tabling army IMO. Going second, then you risk having to deploy back and then never making combat..

Nothing in codex can tank or take a hit, so Veil is massive, so its shrouded and stealth.. which kinda means going first.

These leads nicely onto the Warlord Traits, if you're building a list this way, then you're going for light or the dark warlord table with a troupe master... light and you're looking for +4 to seize and re-deploy (can get this with Eldrad tho..)


Dark.. for the bonus turn shenanigans.. LMAO!

Again a tough call.. I think I prefer the light table.. Dark has that one off awesome power (5), 3 good (1,2 and 3) and 2 average (4 and 6), but light has 3 good (1,2 and 3), 3 very good (4,5 and 6). I think I will down the route of light for reliability.