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Full Version: Necro; Showdown in Stollens hole...
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The Triumphant Illegitimates surveyed the Cawdor headquarters through a pair of binocs. Toucan knew he needed to get through their territory to be able to explore one of the newly opened dome ruins, and the curiosity was certainly getting the better of him!

He broke the gang up into the usual fireteams, planning to go through with the same plan as always, charge in, get the enemy on their heels, and then get scavenging!

However, today, The Undertakers had a different plan in mind! The Undertaker leader had seen the Orlocks coming, and quickly dispatched his forces to a ruin on the right, the headquarters, and a watchtower in the middle. "Let them come." he thought.

Toucan quickly spread the gang out, A juve and a ganger to flank to the left, quick, hard, "get close, hurt them." were the orders.
The heavy, and his ganger bodyguard he sent up high, giving them both a commanding position over the battlefield.
To the right, he sent the brothers Crow and Raven, their autoguns loaded for action.
To the right of centre, he told his second Heavy, his guard, and the juve gurl who always hung around to move forward slowly, don't leave any gaps.
Finally, he took his guard with his shotgun, and the last of the youngsters. At least he'll be a good shield he thought.

They moved forward, the heavy's big stubber firing across the field, tracking movement of the enemy in cover. The Cawdor lurked in their cover, they knew the enemy would come to them, so they could wait!

With a shout of delight, Toucan watched as the enemy leader went down, a clean strike of Autogun rounds taking him to the floor from one of the brothers.

Suddenly, all hell broke loose. Beams of light from lasguns, bullets, and shells began blasting across at them, hugging the cover, he watched as one of the brothers was pinned from the opposing heavy, before standing, and then taking another burst of fire to put him down once more. Another ganger was knocked back off a ledge by a lasgun strike. A juve quickly joined him lying on the floor, while the second of his heavies tried pounding down the catwalk to find cover and a clear shooting position.

his Heavy with the big stubber slowly made his way into the middle of the large tower, trying to get a clear bead on any enemy. He finally made it, opening up on a Juve who had charged out to challenge Toucan in combat. His guard took a burst from the opposing heavy, taking him down, and causing him to bleed out from his injuries. Toucan gritted his teeth, this wasn't going as planned. Suddenly his group came under fire, shotgun blasts pinning the 2 with him against cover, while he cocked his own shotgun and blasted back, knocking the Cawdor ganger clean off his feet. As he went to reload the shotgun, he realised the shell casing had jammed in the chamber, leaving it useless for the rest of the game. Crying out in frustration, he drew his relic chainsword, hoping to claim back blood as revenge for his fallen gangers.

On the right, the ganger and juve were trying to slowly gain access to the cawdor firebase, but there was nothing they could do, the ganger took a blast from a lasgun at close range, taking him down, and forcing him to crawl back to cover as he watched the Juve bravely taking shots with his stub gun to cover them both.

Finally Toucan marched out into the open, taking a welt of fire that would drop a normal man, he growled as he was pinned down and screamed of the revenge he would cause the Cawdor scum. He turned, and ordered his men to gether the wounded, they would fall back to their headquarters.

They returned to home base, and he quickly took stock of their situation, they could have been in a worse position he thought. The humiliation of having to barter for the release of the Juve they captured made him grind his teeth in frustration. The loss of his heavies bodyguard was the worst though, He looked at the kit of the fallen man, before ordering it all be dumped into the sump with the body. After all, dead men need to defend themselves to.

As the men returned from the sump, they told Toucan of the latest recruit. A strange young guy who was at the sea chanting, he had helped them dump the body, and said he'd come to fight, to help the cause of his gods. Strange looking certainly, but he'd become a good fighter with time.

Toucan knew over everything of one true fact though, he would begin planning his revenge sooner rather than later on the Cawdor hive rats who crossed him....
Nice write up Panda!