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Warhammer Fantasy Midlands Open 2014
July 26 and 27 will see the Midlands open take place in Brierly Hill. This event will be the first year that the Warlords of Walsall rather than Dudley Darklords will be running the tournament.

Main thing is it is 5 games of WFB at 2400 points. Tickets go on sale early March, and I will be willing to pick a few up for people, if there is interest in the club to attend. So just giving the WFB crew a warning, if they fancy taking part in a two day tournament, this is a great local event, far enough ahead, that you have time to paint your army.

If your interested let me know, and by the end of Februray, We can confirm and I can start sorting tickets.
Star Wars Legion - Rebels
Guildball - Alchemists
Blood Bowl - Lizardmen
Ok Gentlemen. Details have been released and the damage will be £36.50. So for five games over two days, can I tempt anyone in joining me?
Star Wars Legion - Rebels
Guildball - Alchemists
Blood Bowl - Lizardmen
yeppe for me pls
Put me down as a maybe. My gf is due to give birth 4 days after that so anything could happen around that time..
40k - Dark Eldar /// Fantasy - Warriors of Chaos
If its not too late can I put my name down for this. Would like to try out a big tournament. If it is too late no worries.

I'll grab you both tonight, and have a chat. Tickets go on sale Friday evening.
Star Wars Legion - Rebels
Guildball - Alchemists
Blood Bowl - Lizardmen
Terry (sensibly) has decided the timing isn't right for him.

So far I have Alan, Will and Myself.

Anyone else from the club wanting to attend? Tickets look like selling out fast, (I was hoping the new team running it would have reduced demand, but it appears the name is enough,) so I will need to sort the entry out Friday.
Star Wars Legion - Rebels
Guildball - Alchemists
Blood Bowl - Lizardmen
gaz i will not be able to get tickets on friday or saterday (staying over at a friends then doing magic tounry) possible u could buy me ticket? didnt reliase it was gonna be so popular with battle birmingham we had weeks/months
Alan I'm going to do a bulk buy on tickets. It's more sorting out how many I need. Just trying to point out if you are thinking in two weeks I'll decide, it's probably going to be too late.

So anyone interested, I'll do the leg work. We either get in as a club, or not. But you have until Friday about 5pm to decide.
Star Wars Legion - Rebels
Guildball - Alchemists
Blood Bowl - Lizardmen
no i want to go that wasnt the issue i just thought the tickets go sale on firday and i wouldnt be near a computer lol

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