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battlefield Birmingham 5 40k tournament
I do like the idea of the dreadknight and inquisitor but spending 325 on a strike squad is waaaaaaaaaay to much! In my opinion 220 for 10 guys with Psybolt ammo is th way to go! The stalker and vindicator seem like points well spent but whose gonna man the quad gun? Again just 5 gk marines can fire it at bs 4 and cast warp quake to stop people deep striking behind your lines. Dropping the missiles on the drop pods would be a good idea Smile I also don't quite get why you would want devestator s with las cannons riding in a razorback! They have awesome range so don't really need pushing forward and can only snap when getting in and out of vehicles so I would maybe say drop the pod on the tac marine squad and use the razorback to keep them safe and get them to objectives. Means you would have the 4 las shots from the devestators and the extra from the razorback. Wild give you a great chance of 1st blood?

Like chris said the power weapons on the marine sergeants seems a waste of valuable points too as against most decent combat units (wraiths etc) it will make very little difference. Could use the extra for a land speeder storm to keep the scouts safe?

I think what im getting at is that you don't wanna go plowing tons of points into units that you need to stay alive! You have a ton of troops which is great for the way BB is set up so you might find yourself hiding them out of LOS making all the big guns and power weapons redundant. I love the idea of the sternguard in drop pods as they can cause so much grief!

I'm summary lol (I got a bit exited and couldn't stop typing mate Smile) it'd shave some points of the marines, pods and transports where you can, and beef up the units that are gonna do the damage! Ie sternguard and a teleporter for the dreadknight? Means he can get in your opponents face and distract them from the stuff creeping up behind! Also means his limited range (24" and template) won't matter as hel be in range with both weapons straight away! I love dreadknights :p you at the club on Tuesday? If so I've got no issue sitting down with ur tablet and looking how it could actually be built? (If you want my help that is lol :p)

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RE: battlefield Birmingham 5 40k tournament - by Nick1988 - 27-01-2014, 03:27 PM

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