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Wanted space marine bits
Looking for all things space marine!
Wanting to add to my army by making some models up my self so looking for arms bodies, guns, melee weapons, jump packs. 
Anything and everything! 

I have a bits box which if there's specifics you're looking for let me know
40k - Orks / SM / Drukhari / AM
Bloodbowl - Dwarves
SBG - Minas Tirith
(25-05-2018, 02:15 PM)Russell Wrote: I have a bits box which if there's specifics you're looking for let me know

Have you got Force Stave arms, assault marine bits like chainsword arms and bolt pistol arms or thunder hammers and storm shield that kind of thing, and do you have spare jump packs? as I'll need a lot of them haha
Also any storm bolter arms for tactical marines?
I have a land raider redeemer and a dreadnought and a venerable dreadnought for sale if you’re interested?
Are we talking just loyalist lapdog bits? Got a fair bit of Chaos bits in my bits box, but may be a little too spiky for your taste?

Think I might have some Space Wolf thunder hammers and storm shields? Are they any good?
Warhammer 40K (Astra Militarum & CSM/1KSons/Daemons) | AoS (Daemons of Chaos) | Dropfleet Commander (UCM) 
Models painted in 2017: 74
Models painted in 2018: 45
Models painted in 2019: 55
(25-05-2018, 04:27 PM)WarbossLima Wrote:
(25-05-2018, 02:15 PM)Russell Wrote: I have a bits box which if there's specifics you're looking for let me know

Have you got Force Stave arms, assault marine bits like chainsword arms and bolt pistol arms or thunder hammers and storm shield that kind of thing, and do you have spare jump packs? as I'll need a lot of them haha
Also any storm bolter arms for tactical marines?

I have an absolute shed ton of Space Marine bits, some of them are sorted out and some of them aren't.

I think I may have a few jump pack but they're Blood Angels ones although you could file the Insignias off. Have Storm Shields (maybe 5) and bolt pistol/chainsword arms, but not sure how many.

Do Storm Bolter arms for Tactical marines exist? The only one I know of is the one from the old Commander box. When I wanted them I remember having to convert them.

If you let me know when you will be down at the club I can bring the bits boxes along with me if you like?

I also have some of the Betrayal at Calth Marines on the sprue that I'm happy to sell at a reasonable price if that's of interest, I think around 15 full bodies could be made although I've used all the Plasma Guns/Missile Launchers/Combi Weapons.
Warhammer 40K - Knights of Saret (Space Marines), Cult of the Damned (Chaos/Daemons), 1st ERF (Astra Militarum), Death Guard & The Purge (Chaos/DG/Daemons), House Landsraad (Imperial Knights)
LOTR - Rohan, Mordor, Dwarves, Moria
Mordhiem - The Wild Rose Company (Dwarves)
Bloodbowl - Humans, Orcs, Dwarves, Undead
Guildball - Brewers, Masons
Dropfleet - UCM, Scourge, Shaltari, PHR
Dropzone - UCM
XWing - Rebels, Imperials
Bolt Action - Fallschrimjager
Gates of Antares - Algoryn
SAGA - Vikings, Irish

Currently Working On - Gates of Anatares - Ghar, Warhammer 40K - Death Guard and Necrons

Dismantle Mines, Yes? Or... you die..." - Variks, House of Judgement
(04-06-2018, 01:39 PM)Agent0range Wrote: Are we talking just loyalist lapdog bits? Got a fair bit of Chaos bits in my bits box, but may be a little too spiky for your taste?

Think I might have some Space Wolf thunder hammers and storm shields? Are they any good?

Yeah looking for lapdog bits at the moment haha but I may come back for the chaos later. 
Yeah the space wolves storm shields and hammers are excellent thank you! 
What’s your price and how many do you have?
(28-05-2018, 05:41 PM)Thank Smithy744 Wrote: I have a land raider redeemer and a dreadnought and a venerable dreadnought for sale if you’re interested?

I’m interested in the land raider redeemer, how much are you looking for?
(04-06-2018, 02:50 PM)Yeah that sounds great thank you. Yeah the blood angels jump packs are suitable and yeah any storm shields and around 5 bolt pistol / chain sword arms will be good. Yeah it would be great if I could rummage through the bits box, bring it down whenever it is easiest for you. Wrote:
(25-05-2018, 04:27 PM)WarbossLima Wrote:
(25-05-2018, 02:15 PM)Russell Wrote: I have a bits box which if there's specifics you're looking for let me know

Have you got Force Stave arms, assault marine bits like chainsword arms and bolt pistol arms or thunder hammers and storm shield that kind of thing, and do you have spare jump packs? as I'll need a lot of them haha
Also any storm bolter arms for tactical marines?

I have an absolute shed ton of Space Marine bits, some of them are sorted out and some of them aren't.

I think I may have a few jump pack but they're Blood Angels ones although you could file the Insignias off. Have Storm Shields (maybe 5) and bolt pistol/chainsword arms, but not sure how many.

Do Storm Bolter arms for Tactical marines exist? The only one I know of is the one from the old Commander box. When I wanted them I remember having to convert them.

If you let me know when you will be down at the club I can bring the bits boxes along with me if you like?

I also have some of the Betrayal at Calth Marines on the sprue that I'm happy to sell at a reasonable price if that's of interest, I think around 15 full bodies could be made although I've used all the Plasma Guns/Missile Launchers/Combi Weapons.
(05-06-2018, 04:50 PM)WarbossLima Wrote:
(04-06-2018, 01:39 PM)Agent0range Wrote: Are we talking just loyalist lapdog bits? Got a fair bit of Chaos bits in my bits box, but may be a little too spiky for your taste?

Think I might have some Space Wolf thunder hammers and storm shields? Are they any good?

Yeah looking for lapdog bits at the moment haha but I may come back for the chaos later. 
Yeah the space wolves storm shields and hammers are excellent thank you! 
What’s your price and how many do you have?

No worries, I'll take a look tonight and let you know.  I've got a feeling it's probably only 3-4 of them.  I'll let you know once I've found them.
Warhammer 40K (Astra Militarum & CSM/1KSons/Daemons) | AoS (Daemons of Chaos) | Dropfleet Commander (UCM) 
Models painted in 2017: 74
Models painted in 2018: 45
Models painted in 2019: 55

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