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GT list ideas 1500pts
Looking for any and all opinions on the lists I post.

List concept 1.. Sammael

The idea is that Sammael tanks at the front of the unit with a 3+ re-roll jink, eternal warrior, FnP, 4+ inv and T5. Sammy can lead the unit until he takes a wound or two, before looking out sir for the rest of the phase and then moving back into the unit to preserve his Warlord trait of +3" charge, run and turbo boost and the victory point for Warlord.

The rest of the deathstar is built to be durable before splitting apart turn4 into 2/3 units and moving for the objectives.

Psykers are looking for Invisibility, which just makes the unit ridiculously tough to kill. Shrouded is also pretty neat for a 2+ re-roll jink save! And Shriek can help thin the crowd if needed. If I get Invis early enough, then Endurance and Forewarning are pretty handy as well.

The deathstar must have a lot of the cool abilities in the game: Scout, FnP, Auto Hit and Run on 4 dice (potential 24" hit and run), Furious Charge and Fearless!

Dark Angels Combined Arms Detachment:
Chaplain (90) Bike (20) = [110]
Sammael (200) = [200] (Warlord)
5 Scouts (55) Bolters (0) = [55]
5 Scouts (55) Bolters (0) = [55]
4 Ravenwing Command Squad (120) Apothecary (30) Ravenwing Company Banner (20) Champion (5) = [215]

Librarian Conclave (Ironhands or White Scars)
Libby (65) Bike (20) Mastery Lvl2 (25) Force Axe (0) = [110]
Libby (65) Bike (20) Mastery Lvl2 (25) Force Axe (0) = [110]
Libby (65) Bike (20) Mastery Lvl2 (25) Force Axe (0) = [110]

Space Wolves Company of the Great Wolf Detachment:
Wolf Guard Battle Leader (50) Thunderwolf (50) Power Fist (25) Runic Armour (25) Wulfen Stone (40) Storm Shield (15) 205
Iron Priest (55) Thunderwolf (50) 4 Cyberwolves (60) = [165]
Iron Priest (55) Thunderwolf (50) 4 Cyberwolves (60) = [165]

Chaplain gives the squad re-rolls to hit in the first round of combat and when/if the Deathstar needs to split up, it can do so with 2 fearless groups, one lead by Sammael and the other by the Chaplain. Also plenty of Cyberwolves to LoS to.

List 2:
Dark Angels Combined Arms Detachment:
Libby (65) Bike (20) Mastery Lvl2 (25) Force Axe (0) Eye of the Unseen (40) Auspex (5) = [155]
Sammael (200) = [200] (Warlord)
5 Scouts (55) Bolters (0) = [55]
5 Scouts (55) Bolters (0) = [55]
4 Ravenwing Command Squad (120) Apothecary (30) Ravenwing Company Banner (20) Champion (5) = [215]

Librarian Conclave (Ironhands or White Scars)
Libby (65) Bike (20) Mastery Lvl2 (25) = [110]
Libby (65) Bike (20) Mastery Lvl2 (25) = [110]
Libby (65) Bike (20) Mastery Lvl2 (25) = [110]

Space Wolves Company of the Great Wolf Detachment:
Wolf Guard Battle Leader (50) Thunderwolf (50) Power Fist (25) Runic Armour (25) Wulfen Stone (40) Storm Shield (15) 205
Iron Priest (55) Thunderwolf (50) 3 Cyberwolves (45) = [150]
Iron Priest (55) Thunderwolf (50) 2 Cyberwolves (30) = [135]

VERY similar to list one, basically swapping out the Chaplain for the Librarian giving me 2 more Warp Charge, more chance for Invis if the Conclave miss it and another Force Weapon. The Libby also gives the squad Preferred Enemy which counter acts somewhat the loss of re-rolls to hit and Deathwing which is Fearless, so acts very much like the Chaplain, only better? I'm not sure.

Dark Angels Combined Arms Detachment:

Sammael (200) = [200] (Warlord)
Company Master (90) Bike (20) Power Fist (25) Storm Shield (15) Artificer Armour (20) Eye of the Unseen (40)
5 Scouts (55) Bolters (0) = [55]
5 Scouts (55) Bolters (0) = [55]
4 Ravenwing Command Squad (120) Apothecary (30) Ravenwing Company Banner (20) Champion (5) = [215]

Librarian Conclave (Ironhands or White Scars)
Libby (65) Bike (20) Mastery Lvl2 (25) = [110]
Libby (65) Bike (20) Mastery Lvl2 (25) = [110]
Libby (65) Bike (20) Mastery Lvl2 (25) = [110]

Space Wolves Company of the Great Wolf Detachment:
Wolf Guard Battle Leader (50) Thunderwolf (50) Power Fist (25) Runic Armour (25) Wulfen Stone (40) Storm Shield (15) 205
Iron Priest (55) Thunderwolf (50) = [105]
Iron Priest (55) Thunderwolf (50) 1 Cyberwolf (15) = [120]

Very much along the lines of lists 1 and 2, the Company Master is very tough with 3 wounds, 2+ save, 3+ Inv, with the usual FnP, like the Libby in list2, he gives the squad Preferred Enemy, but can really take a hit! I lose the Cyberwolves, but gain a more resilient character.

List concept 2.. Azrael

Azrael gives the Star a 4++ which is brilliant to say the least, he can also pick his warlord trait of the Dark Angels table, which is also pretty neat! He can give the squad Furious Charge saving 40pts on the Wolfen stone, FnP within range of objectives saving pts on the Apothecary or when the unit splits giving a second block of models FnP or takes Sammaels trait of +3" to run, charge and turbo boost.

But he is slow and moves at Infantry speed, so there is a draw back. But also comes with the added bonus of +1 to seize!

Dark Angels Combined Arms Detachment:
Chaplain (90) Bike (20) = [110]
5 Scouts (55) Bolters (0) = [55]
5 Scouts (55) Bolters (0) = [55]
4 Ravenwing Command Squad (120) Apothecary (30) Ravenwing Company Banner (20) Champion (5) = [215]
Azrael (215) = [215] (Warlord)

Librarian Conclave (Ironhands or White Scars)
Libby (65) Bike (20) Mastery Lvl2 (25) Force Axe (0) = [110]
Libby (65) Bike (20) Mastery Lvl2 (25) Force Axe (0) = [110]
Libby (65) Bike (20) Mastery Lvl2 (25) Force Axe (0) = [110]

Space Wolves Company of the Great Wolf Detachment:
Wolf Guard Battle Leader (50) Thunderwolf (50) Power Fist (25) Runic Armour (25) Wulfen Stone (40) Storm Shield (15) 205
Iron Priest (55) Thunderwolf (50) 4 Cyberwolves (60) = [165]
Iron Priest (55) Thunderwolf (50) 3 Cyberwolves (60) = [150]

This list improves greatly with Azrael, the Cyberwolves become MUCH more durable with a 4++ and FnP. The squad loses a Cyberwolf, but the Librarians, Command squad and Iron Priests which is pretty huge.

List 2:
Dark Angels Combined Arms Detachment:
Libby (65) Bike (20) Mastery Lvl2 (25) Force Axe (0) Eye of the Unseen (40) Auspex (5) = [155]
5 Scouts (55) Bolters (0) = [55]
5 Scouts (55) Bolters (0) = [55]
4 Ravenwing Command Squad (120) Apothecary (30) Ravenwing Company Banner (20) Champion (5) = [215]
Azrael (215) = [215] (Warlord)

Librarian Conclave (Ironhands or White Scars)
Libby (65) Bike (20) Mastery Lvl2 (25) = [110]
Libby (65) Bike (20) Mastery Lvl2 (25) = [110]
Libby (65) Bike (20) Mastery Lvl2 (25) = [110]

Space Wolves Company of the Great Wolf Detachment:
Wolf Guard Battle Leader (50) Thunderwolf (50) Power Fist (25) Runic Armour (25) Wulfen Stone (40) Storm Shield (15) 205
Iron Priest (55) Thunderwolf (50) 2 Cyberwolves (30) = [135]
Iron Priest (55) Thunderwolf (50) 2 Cyberwolves (30) = [135]

As above, with less Cyberwolves, the Deathstar doesn't gain as much, but is still pretty awesome!


Dark Angels Combined Arms Detachment:
Techmarine (65) Bike (20) = [85]
5 Scouts (55) Bolters (0) = [55]
5 Scouts (55) Bolters (0) = [55]
4 Ravenwing Command Squad (120) Apothecary (30) Ravenwing Company Banner (20) Champion (5) = [215]
Azrael (215) = [215] (Warlord)

Librarian Conclave (Ultramarines)
Tiggu (165) = [165]
Libby (65) Bike (20) Mastery Lvl2 (25) = [110]
Libby (65) Bike (20) Mastery Lvl2 (25) = [110]

Space Wolves Company of the Great Wolf Detachment:
Wolf Guard Battle Leader (50) Thunderwolf (50) Power Fist (25) Runic Armour (25) Wulfen Stone (40) Storm Shield (15) 205
Iron Priest (55) Thunderwolf (50) 3 Cyberwolves (45) = [150]
Iron Priest (55) Thunderwolf (50) 2 Cyberwolves (30) = [135]

Much like all the other lists, but as there is already someone on foot, Tiggy becomes much less of a tax and slowing the squad down! I like what he brings to the squad!

List concept 3, Inquisition + Azrael

The concept is largely stolen from Nick, thanks mate :p

Dark Angels Combined Arms Detachment:
Libby (65) Bike (20) Mastery Lvl2 (25) Force Axe (0) Eye of the Unseen (40) = [150]
Libby (65) Bike (20) Mastery Lvl2 (25) Force Axe (0) = [100]
5 Scouts (55) Bolters (0) = [55]
5 Scouts (55) Bolters (0) = [55]
4 Ravenwing Command Squad (120) Apothecary (30) Ravenwing Company Banner (20) Champion (5) = [215]
Azrael (215) = [215] (Warlord)

Coteaz (100) = [100]
Xenos Inquisitor (25) Mastery Lvl1 (30) Rad Grenades (15) Psychotroke Grenades (15) Force sword (0) 3 Servo Skulls (9) = [94]

Space Wolves Company of the Great Wolf Detachment:
Wolf Guard Battle Leader (50) Thunderwolf (50) Power Fist (25) Runic Armour (25) Wulfen Stone (40) Storm Shield (15) 2 Fenrisian Wolves = [221]
Iron Priest (55) Thunderwolf (50) 3 Cyberwolves (30) = [150]
Iron Priest (55) Thunderwolf (50) 2 Cyberwolves (30) = [135]

Has some VERY nasty tricks up its sleeve:

5+ Seize with a re-roll!! 7 WC (as opposed to the lists above (6 or 8), has plenty ablative wounds in the Cyber/Fenrisian Wolves and has the nasty Xenos inquisitor with Rad Grenades -1 toughness in the first round of combat (not for instant death purposes) and Psychotroke Grenades by which you have to roll on a table in the first round of combat, roll a 1, you're fine, anything else and you're struggling, best result for me is the deathstar gets to auto-hit with EVERY attack!

Only has a couple of draw backs, the Deathstar is slowed by 3 characters that aren't moving quick, and although it has 7wc, they are casting a 4+, not 2+.

I'm torn between Sammael list2 and the Azrael/Inquisition list.

Out of the sammy lists I prefer list 1. The chaplain auto giving zealot to the unit is nice. If you can find 20pts you can upgrade him to an int. chap with extra wound and I5 who also is Deathwing and has access to the relics but is a bit more expensive than the Libby.

For list 3 the chapter master does not have access to a bike unless this has been FAQ'd? Can give him a jump pack so he can keep up but then only T4.

Personally I would try and keep it fast and not have any footsloggers, but then what do I know?!
40K - Dark Angels, Dark Eldar, Necrons; Lord of the Rings - lots; Bloodbowl - Dwarves, Wood Elves; SAGA - Anglo Danes & Welsh; Guildball - Morticians, Engineers; Dropzone/fleet - Shaltari
(11-09-2015, 12:40 PM)jaqenhgar Wrote: Out of the sammy lists I prefer list 1. The chaplain auto giving zealot to the unit is nice. If you can find 20pts you can upgrade him to an int. chap with extra wound and I5 who also is Deathwing and has access to the relics but is a bit more expensive than the Libby.

For list 3 the chapter master does not have access to a bike unless this has been FAQ'd? Can give him a jump pack so he can keep up but then only T4.

Personally I would try and keep it fast and not have any footsloggers, but then what do I know?!

Hey Chris, hows things? Been a few months since cally!

I originally wanted the Chappy, re-rolls to hit is huge.. but then, I started to look through the relics and preferred enemy is huge! (not just preferred enemy Chaos Marines) re-rolls of 1's to hit and to wound, plus, I can aim for Prescience with the Deathstar after getting Invis. Oh and Force, plus more chances for Invis, I think I have to go with the Libby.

Can the Interrogator Chappy take a bike? If not, I'm trying to keep things as mobile as possible. Totally missed the Company Master cannot take a bike.. that doesn't make sense to me.. thought it was in the Special Issue Wargear. If the Interrogator Chaplain can take a bike, that makes things interesting.. with Eye of the Unseen as well.. hmm.

I'm trying to keep things as mobile as possible, so the Company Master would need to be a Jump Pack, but, then it cannot tank.. so I'd drop him. Ignore Sammy list 3 lol.

CHRIS!! What have you done!! I was quite set on Sammy list 2:

Dark Angels Combined Arms Detachment:
Libby (65) Bike (20) Mastery Lvl2 (25) Force Axe (0) Eye of the Unseen (40) Auspex (5) = [155]
Sammael (200) = [200] (Warlord)
5 Scouts (55) Bolters (0) = [55]
5 Scouts (55) Bolters (0) = [55]
4 Ravenwing Command Squad (120) Apothecary (30) Ravenwing Company Banner (20) Champion (5) = [215]

Librarian Conclave (Ironhands or White Scars)
Libby (65) Bike (20) Mastery Lvl2 (25) = [110]
Libby (65) Bike (20) Mastery Lvl2 (25) = [110]
Libby (65) Bike (20) Mastery Lvl2 (25) = [110]

Space Wolves Company of the Great Wolf Detachment:
Wolf Guard Battle Leader (50) Thunderwolf (50) Power Fist (25) Runic Armour (25) Wulfen Stone (40) Storm Shield (15) = [205]
Iron Priest (55) Thunderwolf (50) 3 Cyberwolves (45) = [150]
Iron Priest (55) Thunderwolf (50) 2 Cyberwolves (30) = [135]

But after a crafty look at the codex I can see the Interrogator Chaplain can take a Bike, originally I wasn't interested because it I thought it couldn't.. This I why I posted all the lists! Smile

Dark Angels Combined Arms Detachment:
Interrogator Chaplain (110) Bike (20) Eye of the Unseen (40) = [170]
Sammael (200) = [200] (Warlord)
5 Scouts (55) Bolters (0) = [55]
5 Scouts (55) Bolters (0) = [55]
4 Ravenwing Command Squad (120) Apothecary (30) Ravenwing Company Banner (20) Champion (5) = [215]

Librarian Conclave (Ironhands or White Scars)
Libby (65) Bike (20) Mastery Lvl2 (25) = [110]
Libby (65) Bike (20) Mastery Lvl2 (25) = [110]
Libby (65) Bike (20) Mastery Lvl2 (25) = [110]

Space Wolves Company of the Great Wolf Detachment:
Wolf Guard Battle Leader (50) Thunderwolf (50) Power Fist (25) Runic Armour (25) Wulfen Stone (40) Storm Shield (15) 205
Iron Priest (55) Thunderwolf (50) 2 Cyberwolves (30) = [135]
Iron Priest (55) Thunderwolf (50) 2 Cyberwolves (30) = [135]

Costs me a Cyberwolf, so not a huge amount.

Hmm, I really like this! Would you want to tweak it anymore? A better weapon on the Chaplain for example, or is str6 AP4 good enough? Have you used one before? :p

Yeah I'm good Rob,been away for a while on hols! Will have to look at another tournament at some point but things are a bit busy at the mo.

I have used an int. chap with the mace of redemption (S7 ap3 blind concussive 30pts) and he is a beast, but you can only take one relic per model so can't have that and eye of the unseen. Yes he can have a bike but unless faq'd he is not ravenwing so can't reroll his jink saves as that is on a per model basis. Same with the librarian, but sammy can obviously so his is the best tank.

Company masters not taking bikes has been an annoying thing for a while, not sure why they won't let him take one.

Monster slayer of caliban I guess is an option but never tried it, on a 1 it's just a power sword, 2-4 it's a s5 power sword and 5 or 6 it goes S6 instant death power sword. Bit random so not reliable and 40pts...
40K - Dark Angels, Dark Eldar, Necrons; Lord of the Rings - lots; Bloodbowl - Dwarves, Wood Elves; SAGA - Anglo Danes & Welsh; Guildball - Morticians, Engineers; Dropzone/fleet - Shaltari
(11-09-2015, 04:06 PM)jaqenhgar Wrote: Yeah I'm good Rob,been away for a while on hols! Will have to look at another tournament at some point but things are a bit busy at the mo.

I have used an int. chap with the mace of redemption (S7 ap3 blind concussive 30pts) and he is a beast, but you can only take one relic per model so can't have that and eye of the unseen. Yes he can have a bike but unless faq'd he is not ravenwing so can't reroll his jink saves as that is on a per model basis. Same with the librarian, but sammy can obviously so his is the best tank.

Company masters not taking bikes has been an annoying thing for a while, not sure why they won't let him take one.

Monster slayer of caliban I guess is an option but never tried it, on a 1 it's just a power sword, 2-4 it's a s5 power sword and 5 or 6 it goes S6 instant death power sword. Bit random so not reliable and 40pts...

Nice one Chris, come to the GT next month, 1500pts, basically anything goes! Tongue

Its a shame you cannot take more than one relic per character, that mace is pretty sweet, blinding an enemy unit is nasty! (Although not so much if I'm already invisible :p).

Nope, not Ravenwing, much like the libby, Sammy is, thats why I take him, he can tank at the front of the deathstar along with a couple of the command squad, this way the Space Wolf Characters and Librarians with Force hopefully cast come crashing into the enemy army ready to sweep them from the table!

Although just had a bit a disappointing news:

GT FAQ: A Psyker can cast a number of spells corresponding to his mastery level (so mastery level 4 psyker can cast
4 spells), but never the same power twice

So the conclave:

Empyric Channelling: At the start of the Psychic phase, you can nominate one Librarian from this Formation. If you do this, the nominated Librarian has access to any psychic powers known by other Librarians from this Formation within 12" until the end of the phase; however, other Librarians from this Formation within 12" of the nominated Librarian cannot manifest psychic powers until the end of the phase

Turthermore, when the nominated Librarian makes Psychic tests this phase, he will harness Warp Charge points on a result of 3+ rather than 4+ if there is one other Librarian from this Formation within 12", or 2+ rather than 4+ if there are two or more other Librarians from this Formation within 12".

So it means that the conclave can only cast 2 powers per turn basically, which limits what I wanted to do with it.

Also means I need the DA Libby, the Conclave is looking for Invisibility and Prescience, 4+ Inv or Shrouded, basically defensive buffs, as its the only unit in my army worth shooting, the scout will be reserved. DA can cast Force, unless its absolutely needed then the Conclave can cast it.

Hmm lots to consider Tongue

Evening guys,

So ended up playing 3 practice games in the past week or so,

using this:
Dark Angels Combined Arms Detachment:
Libby (65) Bike (20) Mastery Lvl2 (25) Force Axe (0) Eye of the Unseen (40) Auspex (5) = [155]
Sammael (200) = [200] (Warlord)
5 Scouts (55) Bolters (0) = [55]
5 Scouts (55) Bolters (0) = [55]
4 Ravenwing Command Squad (120) Apothecary (30) Ravenwing Company Banner (20) Champion (5) = [215]

Librarian Conclave (Ironhands or White Scars)
Libby (65) Bike (20) Mastery Lvl2 (25) = [110]
Libby (65) Bike (20) Mastery Lvl2 (25) = [110]
Libby (65) Bike (20) Mastery Lvl2 (25) = [110]

Space Wolves Company of the Great Wolf Detachment:
Wolf Guard Battle Leader (50) Thunderwolf (50) Power Fist (25) Runic Armour (25) Wulfen Stone (40) Storm Shield (15) 205
Iron Priest (55) Thunderwolf (50) 3 Cyberwolves (45) = [150]
Iron Priest (55) Thunderwolf (50) 2 Cyberwolves (30) = [135]

GAME1: Vs Eldar

Was facing a MSU list with 20 Scatter Bikes, 2 Farseers, Wraithknight and a Aspect Host with 15 Warp Spiders. Farseers did have 1 Invisibility and 1 Ignore Cover themselves.

Pretty nasty in a pure objective game, but I got lucky, got Nightfight, Invisibility and Endurance on the Librarians and pre game rolls.

I gave away turn1 meaning I would be able to counter any Eldar last turn trickery and was likely to survive the turn1 beating by the Scatter Bikes as I had a 2+ re-roll jink save, my main concern was Perfect Timing on one of the Farseers which meant a 6 man unit could rip through the Ravenwing protection.

I saved all my dice to block Perfect timing and did so, blocking the 3 successes.

This meant I lost nothing turn1. Not even a wound on Sammy.. with a 2+ re-roll and FnP!

I was able to kill the Invisible Wraithknight turn3 and eventually complete the tabling turn6 as I chased down Windriders that had scattered to all 4 corners.

Ironhand Librarians with 3+ FnP are also pretty solid tanks when the Deathstar splits up!


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