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battlefield Birmingham 5 40k tournament
(21-01-2014, 09:31 AM)Embolden Wrote: Farsight - 165
Commander - DC, VRT, Stim, Shield, Irid, C&C, PEN, MSS, NWSJ, 2xGD - 239 (lol he's gonna have to be tank and to make him worth while)
Bodyguard - 2xPlasma, Target Lock, 1 x GD - 79
Bodyguard - 2xPlasma, Target Lock, 2 x GD - 91
Bodyguard - 2xPlasma, Target Lock, 2 x GD - 91
Bodyguard - 2xPlasma, Target Lock, 2 x GD - 91
Bodyguard - 2xFusion, Target Lock, 2 x GD - 91
Bodyguard - 2xFusion, Target Lock, 2 x GD - 91
Bodyguard - 2xMissile, Target Lock, 2 x GD - 91

10 Kroot - 60
6 Fire Warriors - 54
6 Fire Warriors - 54
Skyray - Blacksun - 116
Skyray - Blacksun - 116

Tigurius - 165
5 Scouts - 55
Storm Raven - Assault Cannon, Multimelta - 200

So the changes from Cale to BB will be loss of 1 GD from the bomb, 1 missile/cyclic dropped for 1x2 plasma, 2x10 kroot swapped for 2x6 fire warriors, 1 skyray and storm dropped for Storm Raven and Loth swapped for Tig.

Not a massive amount of changes, but hopefully the right direction!

If this list doesn't work tonight against Ben and next week against Nick then I will have a think before I play Chris :p

I prefer this bomb, more AP2 and Buffmander front and centre to tank the wounds with drones behind. As silly as it sounds, i think small changes will make a vast difference.

The only thing i will say is that you will need to be careful with FW as they die very easily and have rubbish morale, so run very easy. But i'm sure you know that anyway. Tongue
40k- Space marines(5000 pts) Imperial guard (3000 pts) Tau (3000 pts)
Epic 40k-Space marines/Imperial Guard(2000 pts)
Infinity Yu jing (Aprox 1000 pts)
Necromunda Escher Mad capsules Avalanche
Blood bowl Skaven
Tigurius is awesome... just been looking through the powers if I get Gate on the first/second roll the Divination tree is awesome!

p) Prescience! Awesome
1) Overwatch at normal BS and Counter attack - lol!!
2) 4+ inv save! Awesome!
3) Missfortune! Very handy! (awesome in some games)
4) Ignore cover... meh
5) Precognition... meh
6) Scriers Gaze! Awesome

Just to check, how was Tig ruled/FAQ'd about his re-roll, can this go on another table? Say I roll 3 times on Telekinesis and get Gate on the 3rd roll, can I then re-roll the others on Divination? :p

Just made a quick search on Dakka, someone said this and everyone pretty much agreed-

You roll one at a time, and after each roll ask yourself this question: Did you get telekinesis? (or want the primaris power for the rolled-on-discipline, if it's not already selected?) if so, take it and roll again on the (available to the model) discipline of your choice. You are free to grab the primary power from several disciplines in lieu of what you happened to have rolled 'on that table', but you cannot select a primaris power for a table you did not roll on.
40k- Space marines(5000 pts) Imperial guard (3000 pts) Tau (3000 pts)
Epic 40k-Space marines/Imperial Guard(2000 pts)
Infinity Yu jing (Aprox 1000 pts)
Necromunda Escher Mad capsules Avalanche
Blood bowl Skaven
Yeah, thats how ive always played it! Roll if ur happy keep it and if not ypu re roll straight away.
(21-01-2014, 09:31 AM)Embolden Wrote: Farsight - 165
Commander - DC, VRT, Stim, Shield, Irid, C&C, PEN, MSS, NWSJ, 2xGD - 239 (lol he's gonna have to be tank and to make him worth while)
Bodyguard - 2xPlasma, Target Lock, 1 x GD - 79
Bodyguard - 2xPlasma, Target Lock, 2 x GD - 91
Bodyguard - 2xPlasma, Target Lock, 2 x GD - 91
Bodyguard - 2xPlasma, Target Lock, 2 x GD - 91
Bodyguard - 2xFusion, Target Lock, 2 x GD - 91
Bodyguard - 2xFusion, Target Lock, 2 x GD - 91
Bodyguard - 2xMissile, Target Lock, 2 x GD - 91

10 Kroot - 60
6 Fire Warriors - 54
6 Fire Warriors - 54
Skyray - Blacksun - 116
Skyray - Blacksun - 116

Tigurius - 165
5 Scouts - 55
Storm Raven - Assault Cannon, Multimelta - 200

So the changes from Cale to BB will be loss of 1 GD from the bomb, 1 missile/cyclic dropped for 1x2 plasma, 2x10 kroot swapped for 2x6 fire warriors, 1 skyray and storm dropped for Storm Raven and Loth swapped for Tig.

Not a massive amount of changes, but hopefully the right direction!

If this list doesn't work tonight against Ben and next week against Nick then I will have a think before I play Chris :p

utterly horrific, bloody power gamers... Wink
Simian aka Ben
40k Death Guard, Nurgle and Space Wolves, Malifaux (Guild, Gremlins & Ressers), In Her Majesties Name (Professor Berengei's Circus), Bolt Action (Big Red One), Dredd (Robots), OGaM, Necromunda (Redemptionists)

Hooting into the Abyss
Looks good Rob, I would think about dropping a fire warrior squad for a second scout squad though. The fire warriors will do pretty much nothing and I took one squad of nine out with three tactical marines once, when charging them and then they fled (fairly average rolling iirc). Scouts won't flee as easily due to Atsknf, have infiltrate so can outflank and have move through cover. I think you have one point left over to pay for the swap.
40K - Dark Angels, Dark Eldar, Necrons; Lord of the Rings - lots; Bloodbowl - Dwarves, Wood Elves; SAGA - Anglo Danes & Welsh; Guildball - Morticians, Engineers; Dropzone/fleet - Shaltari
Its just dawned on me that id b taking hit and run away from the centurions if i the commander wasnt it the unit which was the whole point of tau in the first place lol gonna email harry and see what his ruling is on coteaz and tau being in the same unit. Never know he might have a different opinion to the caledonian guys. It alao dosent mention the use of dataslates in the rules pack so is he allowing them?
Chris you life saver!! Totally forgot allies can take 2 troops...

Will post an amended list asap!

The inquisitors have there own dex :p

So last night I took:

Tau Primary:

HQ1: (Warlord) Farsight (165) = [165]
HQ2: Commander (85) Command and Control Node (15) Multi-Spectrum Sensor Suit (20) Puretide
Engram Neurochip (15) Drone Controller (8) Vectored Retro Thrusters (5) Iridium Battlesuit (25) Stimulant Injector (15) Shield Generator (25) 2 Gun Drones (24) = [237]
HQ1a: Farsight Enclave Bodyguard Team:
Battlesuit (32) Plasma Rifle (15) Plasma Rifle (15) Target Lock (5) 2 Gun Drones (24) = [91]
Battlesuit (32) Plasma Rifle (15) Plasma Rifle (15) Target Lock (5) 2 Gun Drones (24) = [91]
Battlesuit (32) Plasma Rifle (15) Plasma Rifle (15) Target Lock (5) 2 Gun Drones (24) = [91]
Battlesuit (32) Fusion Blaster (15) Fusion Blaster (15) Target Lock (5) 2 Gun Drones (24) = [91]
Battlesuit (32) Fusion Blaster (15) Fusion Blaster (15) Target Lock (5) 2 Gun Drones (24) = [91]
Battlesuit (32) Missile Pod (15) Missile Pod (15) Target Lock (5) 2 Gun Drones (24) = [91]
Battlesuit (32) Missile Pod (15) Cyclic Ion Blaster (15) Target Lock (5) 2 Gun Drones (24) = [91]

Troop1: 10 Kroot (60) Kroot Hound (5) = [65]
Troop2: Fire Warrior squad (54) 1 additional Fire Warrior (9) = 63

Heavy1: Skyray (115) Blacksun filter (1) Sensor Spines (5) Smart Missile Systems (0) = [121]
Heavy2: Skyray (115) Blacksun filter (1) Sensor Spines (5) Smart Missile Systems (0) = [121]
Heavy3: Skyray (115) Blacksun filter (1) Sensor Spines (5) Smart Missile Systems (0) = [121]

Space Marines Allies:
Chapter Tactics: Ultramarines

HQ1: Chief Librarian Tigurius (165) = [165]

Troop1: 5 Scouts (55) Boltguns replaced by close combat weapons (0) = [55] (Transport1)
Troop2: 5 Scouts (55) Boltguns replaced by sniper rifles (0) = [55]

Transport1: Landspeeder Storm (45) Heavy Flamer (0) = [45]

Against Bens Eldar list which was something like:

Farseer, Spiritseer, 5 Wraithguard with D-Scythes in Wave Serpent, 2x10 Guardians with Bright Lances and Warlocks, 5 Rangers, 10 Dire Avengers, 6 Scorpions, 5 Warp Spiders, 5 Warp Spiders, Fire Prism, 6 Dark Reapers with Exarch double shot etc.

Mission: Emperors Will and Hammer and Anvil deployment.

Tig gets Gate on the first roll lol, then Forewarning and Prescience.

I give Ben turn1, which is used to shuffle about, I think a couple of Drones die.

My turn1 I Gate forwards with the Bomb and take out, Scorpions, 8 Guardians, 2 Spiders, Wave Serpent and Fire Prism, the bomb has killed pretty much everything it can see. I unload 2 Skyrays into the Wave Serpent before, but Ben passed 8 4+ jink saves lol.

Ben moves the Wraithguard forwards towards the bomb, the Spiders jump about to get LOS, everything unloads into the bomb and I lose most of it.

My turn2, all reserves stay off the table (thanks Tig! Big Grin), the bomb gates towards the right to get out LOS to the Reapers, these then remove the Wraithguard, the Skyrays push up and remove the Rangers.

The Warp Spiders chase the bomb about and take out all but a Farsight, Tig, 1 Battlesuit and handful of Drones, Tig loses a wound to the 2 Guardians lol.

My turn the bomb gates over towards the left flank and fires into the Guardians, but thanks to the brow of the hill and shrouded they have a 2+ cover save (buff commander died), so only kill 1? Kroot outflank onto that flank and kill a single Dire Avenger lol, the Scouts move on behind the Bastion.

The Dire Avengers kill 6 Kroot, the Bomb is then almost wiped out, Tig and a Drone are left in combat!

My turn with the Skyrays in the centre of the table these start picking on troops, shooting into the Dire Avengers killing a couple and the others finish off a squad of Warp Spiders. The Storm flat out moves over to Bens objective. Tig is killed in combat lol

The Guardians and Avengers go after the Kroot and kill the lot, the Warp Spiders take out the Storm and assault the Scouts, but fail to hurt them, the Scouts then kill a Spider lol.

my turn5
The Skyrays kill all but 1 of the Dire Avengers, the Scouts kill another Warp Spider for no loss, the Warp Spiders try to hit and run but fail!

Bens rolls and the game goes on.

The Guardians move and run onto the kill but no into range of the objective. The Warp Spiders kill a scout, but the scouts kill a Warp Spider!

My turn6 and one of the Skyrays removes the last Dire Avenger and the other removes a few Guardians, the Scouts finish off the Exarch and consolidate onto Bens objective.

The game then ends!

So a win on bore draw! with a horrible deployment for this mission.

Tig is awesome (not so much in combat without support :p), I totally forgot Prescience works in combat lol and few other rules, but the Buff Commander didn't tank as much as I'd of liked FnP was handy.. but saved 1 out of 5 :p hmm choices choices.

Being aggressive with the Skyrays worked out well and I think I will have take that tactic going forwards, even risking side armour shots.

I guess all of the farsight/ovesa bombs are gonna have the same problem not guaranteeing gate is rolled although once you have it its waaaay more likely to go off with tiggys re roll! With the added advantage of being able to manipulate resere rolls to keep stuff off the table and bring stuff on when needed is a massive help! I would always put an objective (maybe even two) out of los but within running distance for kroot/marines to get straight onto when they arrive and one up high so bikes cant get to it!

After my game with Dave i realised how important the tau commander is to the centurions as when he died, they killed barely anything! In an 1850 game where theres much more for my opponent to hit back with id rather sacrifice my warlord or lose tiggy than for him to die!

Have you messaged harry yet rob?

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