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Out with the Nids and in with this insane list!
OK - one will have to be a Mawlock as I have lent one to a mate but no worries
and if you have the arm weapon that would be awesome
Was gonna proxy one for a tyranofex anyway so thats fine Smile ill have a look through my bits box tonight 4 u
I can't find it anywhere mate, few other places I still need 2 look but it ain't promising!
No worries. I could also have 5 blank shoulder shields for Paladins if you have any. You know - the ones that go on the shoulder pad but the blank ones. Any chance?
Yeah those should be fine mate, dont spose you have any big devourer arms from a carnifex of summat? All the bits sites seem 2 b sold out!
Dunno, I will discuss it with you tonight. I have a fair few bits knocking around.
Hi Nick. Will bring the 25 for the raven tomorrow. Culd you bring the spare bits please.

Also do you have terminators available? I would happily buy 10 more termies from you.

No worries mate. Dont spose you have any deathspitter arms for warriors do you? Ive literally just put a loada termies on ebay but i think i have some still on the sprue aswell! Ill have a look
Sprue ones would be better anyway - Grey knight I assume

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