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Out with the Nids and in with this insane list!
I'm not sure how it will do tbh, I think it depends a lot on the scoring unit roll you make, if you get a 1, in any of the 5 objective missions then you're in trouble, but if you get a 3, then you're laughing with 5 fairly difficult to take out initially troop choices.

Do the Dreadknights have the teleporter upgrade? I think not because you most likely don't have the points. I like the idea of Coteaz in the Paladins with Divination for HOPEFULLY Missfortune/Perfect Timing and Prescience.

I'm not sure how the Dreadnought/Acolytes in Storm Raven will do, especially with the Acolytes, because the Acolytes are only good for claiming backfield objectives, while the Dread needs to be in peoples faces, so a bit of confusion going on IMO, plus BS3 1 shot weapons just don't work in my experience and finally there is a lot of Interceptor stuff about with FW allowed at the event, maybe something to consider.

I'm not sure how you get round that tho? Even if you drop the Dread, what do you spend the pts on? A 3rd Dreadknight maybe?

Fair points all. My original list had a third dread knights or a land raider instead of the raven, but how do you cope with flyers? Am I better just ignoring them entirely?

I have tried Draigo/Coteaz/10 paladins and then
3 x Dread Knights - one with teleporter
Acolytes in Rhino/Chimera

As I said though - I am a bit worried about flyers. Remember Rob that this is not a 'top six' list but rather a 'dont get hammered' list! If I was that worried I would just use my Nids!Wink
Triple dreads will do a number a most people. As for flyers take a bunch of the hyper missle systems things. They are sick. They have been limited for this comp but you can still take 4 in a fast slot for 140pts. Well worth it if you can make them in time. I would surgest for any imperial army the same.

S8 TL vs fast skimmers and flyers, intercept, skyfire & if you don't fire them at those you can still fire at the ground. You don't even have to man them.
slightly different for me as i use contemptor dreadnoughts vs flyers. but i've also found ignoring them works. additionally, if you have an abundance of divination powers its possible to take them down with volume of fire, especially when you're getting rerolls.

Acolytes are best used as holders for back field objectives. I do like the idea of Coteaz with the paladins.

have you considered adding a strike squad MSUs in place of a dreadknight?

edit - Valid point on the Hyperion air defence batterys, they're great. downside of the official model is the cost from FW.
Simian aka Ben
40k Death Guard, Nurgle and Space Wolves, Malifaux (Guild, Gremlins & Ressers), In Her Majesties Name (Professor Berengei's Circus), Bolt Action (Big Red One), Dredd (Robots), OGaM, Necromunda (Redemptionists)

Hooting into the Abyss
Make em like our Rob. Get your sticky back plastic out Smile
I saw those, they looked good. i may have to steal the idea...
Simian aka Ben
40k Death Guard, Nurgle and Space Wolves, Malifaux (Guild, Gremlins & Ressers), In Her Majesties Name (Professor Berengei's Circus), Bolt Action (Big Red One), Dredd (Robots), OGaM, Necromunda (Redemptionists)

Hooting into the Abyss
I'm not including contemptors in the dreads list, since they are a different kettle of fish, intercept and skyfire alone makes them worth the points, other than that I just think Dread's are AV12 boxes waiting to be popped with an AP2 / AP1 weapon...
40k: Bloodimps (Custom Blood Angels chapter )

"Cake for the cake god!"
Fair point.

i still like dreadnoughts, i've had some success with a missile launcher/plasma cannon combo as a backfield sitter. one is useless however 2 or three can do some damage. and with all the terminators in my force people dont waste the ap2 on the dreadnoughts!

(i get that this is all situational)
Simian aka Ben
40k Death Guard, Nurgle and Space Wolves, Malifaux (Guild, Gremlins & Ressers), In Her Majesties Name (Professor Berengei's Circus), Bolt Action (Big Red One), Dredd (Robots), OGaM, Necromunda (Redemptionists)

Hooting into the Abyss
Not a step by step guide, but here you go:, cost me £10 for 4, but I'm only using 3 at the moment, I wanted a 2nd HQ :p

As for Dreads, I found them okay as backfield sitters with twin autocannons, because outflanking units became less popular/dangerous. Deep Striking might be a problem though, so could be baby sat by 5 strikes?

my Paladin list was:

10 Paladins (Banner, Apoth, 4 MC Psycannons)
1 Paladin
5 Strikes
5 Interceptors
3 Dreads with twin autocannons or 2 Dreads and 1 Dreadknight with Teleporter and Incinerator.

if you're looking for inspiration.

Thanks guys.

So are the air support thingeys available for all lists per se - including Grey knights?

If so I could have Draigo/Coteaz/10 Pallys
3 x Dread Knights
Acolytes with or without vehicle
4 x shooty thingeys

Or just not worry about air and upgrade a couple of DK's to have teleporters.

Having said all of that, I still like the idea of having a Raven. I figured a flyer that can move 24" then multi melta one flyer and assault cannon another has a good chance of being effective. The dreadnought stays on board then either falls out of the sky with the burning raven or drops off and assaults turn 3. Well thats the plan. I hate shooty DN's - not my style at all.

Only 24 hours to decide!!

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