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Interest in Lord of the Rings Campaign?
(22-02-2016, 06:44 PM)will Wrote: Lots of enthusiasm for the campaign, it's looking good. Smile Thanks for organising this Chris.

I have just one question, Is this campaign going to be set after 1300 of the third age. I.e. can I use a Nazgul? Smile been looking to add one to my collection and the campaign seems like a perfect excuse.

Thanks for organising this! Seconded! I am just excited to be getting the mini's out!
Yeah and me! Had the High Elves out for some painting this week!
Dropfleet Commander: UCM
Dropzone Commander: UCM
Star Wars X-Wing: Rebel Alliance
Magic the Gathering
LotR SBG: High Elves
Warhammer 40,000 7th ed.: Astra Militarum & Eldar
Halo Fleet Battles: Covenant
BFG: Imperial Navy & Eldar Corsairs
Warhammer Fantasy 8th ed.: Warriors of Chaos

Element Games referral code JAS173.
Yeah I'm going to be vague, but it's set after the fall of Arnor (~1900 3rd Age) and before the War of the Ring (~3000 3rd Age) (assuming those dates are about right). So yes you can take a Nazgul Will.

For a first campaign I really don't want to limit too much what people can take. Maybe if this goes well and there is interest for a second one at some point it could be a bit more limited and historically accurate! I think some thought needs to be given to some of the really big game-changing beasties like the Mumak, the Dragon and the Balrog though....maybe just only use with your opponents consent, that way you don't have to face one if you don't want to?

Have made progress on the map and threw down some rough rules tonight.
40K - Dark Angels, Dark Eldar, Necrons; Lord of the Rings - lots; Bloodbowl - Dwarves, Wood Elves; SAGA - Anglo Danes & Welsh; Guildball - Morticians, Engineers; Dropzone/fleet - Shaltari
(22-02-2016, 06:53 PM)Simian Wrote: I'm purely looking at rough points costs and what proxies I could use.and how the hell warbands are set up!!

If it's helpful Ben I have a dwarf force and this is what I would consider in a 500pt force:

Dain - 125
5 Khazad Guard - 55
Dwarf Captain - shield - 65
8 Dwarf Rangers - bow - 80
Dwarf Captain - 60
10 Warriors - 9 shield, 1 banner and shield - 115

Rangers go behind the dwarf shieldwall, heroes and Khazad Guard take out monsters and enemy heroes. The iron guard also look nice so you might want to tweak it a bit to include some of them as they have two attacks each and throwing axes which don't count towards bow limit.
40K - Dark Angels, Dark Eldar, Necrons; Lord of the Rings - lots; Bloodbowl - Dwarves, Wood Elves; SAGA - Anglo Danes & Welsh; Guildball - Morticians, Engineers; Dropzone/fleet - Shaltari
(23-02-2016, 01:21 AM)jaqenhgar Wrote:
(22-02-2016, 06:53 PM)Simian Wrote: I'm purely looking at rough points costs and what proxies I could use.and how the hell warbands are set up!!

If it's helpful Ben I have a dwarf force and this is what I would consider in a 500pt force:

Dain - 125
5 Khazad Guard - 55
Dwarf Captain - shield - 65
8 Dwarf Rangers - bow - 80
Dwarf Captain - 60
10 Warriors - 9 shield, 1 banner and shield - 115

Rangers go behind the dwarf shieldwall, heroes and Khazad Guard take out monsters and enemy heroes. The iron guard also look nice so you might want to tweak it a bit to include some of them as they have two attacks each and throwing axes which don't count towards bow limit.

Thats not far off what i was looking at. ive been reading the pdf but i really think i need to get the book, i find it easier absorbing from a book

Or maybe just print the pages i need
Simian aka Ben
40k Death Guard, Nurgle and Space Wolves, Malifaux (Guild, Gremlins & Ressers), In Her Majesties Name (Professor Berengei's Circus), Bolt Action (Big Red One), Dredd (Robots), OGaM, Necromunda (Redemptionists)

Hooting into the Abyss
Hi Chris,

Just an idea on army building, and possible ways to limit 'appearances' etc. And enable/add variety.

The game revolves around Warbands - defined as a Hero or Captain and upto 12 followers.

With this in mind, maybe we could build a set of Warbands each rather than an army as such.

They are going to have different point values, as Stu says Aragorn is 260 points, so he and 12 followers will be a 'Strong' Warband, compared to say an Easterling Captain and 12 men total of around 134 points the lot.

I don't know how we will move around on the map, but maybe smaller point bands can move more quickly (more hexes) than big point bands, or more than one small band can occupy a hex, but only one big-point band can, or max 1 big + 1 small, etc.

Imagine an expensive Mumak/Aragorn warband can only move slowly (for whatever reason), so in 10 turns can maybe only cover enough of the map for one or two battles.

While small-point warbands can cover ground more easily and fight/reinforce 5-6 battles.

This also poses chance for small bands ganging together v a big one, and maybe it doesn't matter if sides have different point totals. You can see on the map what's moving where...

Though maybe all you see is a flag, until its been scouted/engaged by one of your small-point bands, then you know whether to run or fight...

As I say just thinking out loud and throwing you some ideas while you think it all through...Cool
History is written by the victors - Sir Winston Churchill
(23-02-2016, 08:56 AM)Simian Wrote:
(23-02-2016, 01:21 AM)jaqenhgar Wrote:
(22-02-2016, 06:53 PM)Simian Wrote: I'm purely looking at rough points costs and what proxies I could use.and how the hell warbands are set up!!

If it's helpful Ben I have a dwarf force and this is what I would consider in a 500pt force:

Dain - 125
5 Khazad Guard - 55
Dwarf Captain - shield - 65
8 Dwarf Rangers - bow - 80
Dwarf Captain - 60
10 Warriors - 9 shield, 1 banner and shield - 115

Rangers go behind the dwarf shieldwall, heroes and Khazad Guard take out monsters and enemy heroes. The iron guard also look nice so you might want to tweak it a bit to include some of them as they have two attacks each and throwing axes which don't count towards bow limit.

Thats not far off what i was looking at. ive been reading the pdf but i really think i need to get the book, i find it easier absorbing from a book

Or maybe just print the pages i need

Wotcher, Ben. We have been paired up. Shall I stick with Gondor or shall I build dwarfs too? I have a dwarf army coming.
(23-02-2016, 04:51 PM)Brightblade Wrote:
(23-02-2016, 08:56 AM)Simian Wrote:
(23-02-2016, 01:21 AM)jaqenhgar Wrote:
(22-02-2016, 06:53 PM)Simian Wrote: I'm purely looking at rough points costs and what proxies I could use.and how the hell warbands are set up!!

If it's helpful Ben I have a dwarf force and this is what I would consider in a 500pt force:

Dain - 125
5 Khazad Guard - 55
Dwarf Captain - shield - 65
8 Dwarf Rangers - bow - 80
Dwarf Captain - 60
10 Warriors - 9 shield, 1 banner and shield - 115

Rangers go behind the dwarf shieldwall, heroes and Khazad Guard take out monsters and enemy heroes. The iron guard also look nice so you might want to tweak it a bit to include some of them as they have two attacks each and throwing axes which don't count towards bow limit.

Thats not far off what i was looking at. ive been reading the pdf but i really think i need to get the book, i find it easier absorbing from a book

Or maybe just print the pages i need

Wotcher, Ben. We have been paired up. Shall I stick with Gondor or shall I build dwarfs too? I have a dwarf army coming.

Happy either way, my dwarfs will be warhammer proxies (lots of older models so will be easy to tell models apart) ive looked through the book and it seems i can cover most things easily enough.
Simian aka Ben
40k Death Guard, Nurgle and Space Wolves, Malifaux (Guild, Gremlins & Ressers), In Her Majesties Name (Professor Berengei's Circus), Bolt Action (Big Red One), Dredd (Robots), OGaM, Necromunda (Redemptionists)

Hooting into the Abyss
Cool. I will get my Minas Tirith fellas ready and pain my dwarf army on the side! Ready go rampage. Middle Earth style.
Paul, thanks for the ideas, however I am thinking I will go for a node based map, rather than a hex one. Main reasons for this being simplicity and easier to run. As it's my first time ever running a map based campaign I think it's more likely to succeed if I aim lower rather than higher! Also it would be trickier making the moves on the campaign map etc.

I said I'd get the rules up around now but I'm afraid I have been a bit distracted this week with frantically painting my SAGA Welsh for the tournament tomorrow, so I'm going to post the map and a few basics so you guys can see what's coming and start planning forces.


So on the map are 20 nodes, teams start with two nodes each. I have attempted to spread them out evenly and fairly so we come into contact with other teams in the first game turn, but also thematically depending on the forces in the team.

Stu & JJ = green (Elves and Rohan/Arnor)
Paul & Rob = red (Easterlings and Harad)
Chris & Will = brown (Mordor and Isenguard)
Ben and Matt = blue (Gondor and Dwarves)

I'm not going to post any hard and fast rules yet as I am still trying to come up with how it will work, but basically I want each node to contribute to reinforcing/growing/enhancing your forces during the campaign and/or helping you during the final battle. If anyone has played the card game dominion it's a little bit like trying to get more gold in your deck so you get stronger, balanced with acquiring victory points so you actually win the game.

At the end of the day, capturing nodes will help you, some more than others!

You will start off with two 500pt forces, one for each starting position. The max sized army will be higher than this (going to see how my 600pt game with Stu goes time-wise to decide on upper limit, but I've seen it mentioned that 750pts might work as long as the number of models per side is limited, maybe to 50).

Movement will be one node per turn for each force you control. I am considering having a homeland advantage to deter attacks on the starting positions, at least initially. I want to see lots of different scenarios being played to keep it interesting so different nodes may lead to specific scenarios or a roll on a small table.

CAsualties - I'm thinking loser gets 50% of his casualties from the battle wiped off his roster and the winner gets 30% of his casualties wiped. So for example, you win a 500pt battle in which you lost 300pts worth of models, this means your force depletes by 90pts. The loser also lost 300pts worth of models but his force depletes by 150pts (some of the wounded are slain as he flees). NOT SURE ABOUT THIS - ANYONE THINK THIS SOUNDS OK OR GOT A DIFF SUGGESTION?

Forces don't have a fixed roster so you can change them for each battle, except for large monsters (anything over say 150pts) and named heroes which have to stay with that force. However as the force that participates in the battle is not the entire force on the map, the monsters and heroes can choose to skip a battle with no penalty. This means you can rest a wounded hero or choose not to take a Mumak for the next battle.

Large monsters are limited to a single force on the map so you can't have a Mumak in both your starting forces.

Reinforcements can only be added to your armies in the field at specific locations yet to be determined.

Armies are allowed to force march - they can move two nodes in a turn but if they encounter an enemy there will be severe problems as they are ambushed or something as they have no scouts on the lookout - this may enable a new force to more rapidly get to the front lines or a force to retreat to a node where it can be reinforced.

If an army drops below 300pts due to casualties it is wiped out but the named heroes (if they are still alive) are free to now join any other force if they have a clear path through their own territory to it.

OK that's all I can think of at the moment. Remember this is incomplete and a work in progress, hoping to finalise it by the end of next week.

The campaign wil begin online as people make their initial map moves from the 15th March (rolling for initiative to be done on the 8th as most will be there - only need one person per team to be present) - then battles can start from the 22nd and as soon as ppl have completed their battles the next campaign turn will begin. Max 1 month to have your battle or you forfeit the battle and retreat with heavy casualties - I want to keep this moving.

Any and all comments or helpful crticisms welcome!
40K - Dark Angels, Dark Eldar, Necrons; Lord of the Rings - lots; Bloodbowl - Dwarves, Wood Elves; SAGA - Anglo Danes & Welsh; Guildball - Morticians, Engineers; Dropzone/fleet - Shaltari

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