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Kill team Campaign sign up and rules
Seems to be enough interest to run this, it will be using the Heralds of ruin fan rules, everything that is needed is on there.

Using the army list on that site, pick a 250pt kill team. Looking to kick this off towards the end of April. We should be able to squeeze two games in a night, which i will give out before the night on here and a follow up mission depending on results of the first.

This will be narrative driven, working towards a endgame scenario (i already have a few ideas in my head Wink ) over the course of a few months.

I will be adding in some house rules from feedback on the facebook group which will be detailed below and added to depending on what crops up during the campaign.

Signed up -
Xenos/forces of corruption
Rob - Eldar
Vince - Tau
Joe - Eldar
Sam - Chaos space marines
Terry - Dark eldar
Gaz - Tyranids
Will - Dark eldar

Forces of Imperium
Ben - Inquisition
Chris - Dark angels
Kev - Salamanders (space marines codex)
Dave - Sisters of Battle
Dan - Space wolves
Nick - Space marines
Alan - Imperial Guard

House rules

A models toughness can be increased by a max of 1 from starting stats. Why? Toughness rules supreme in Kill team, and having a T7 Iridium crisis suit jumping around that small arms fire can't touch will quickly spoil the fun for everyone. If you roll this for a model that has already received a Toughness upgrade re-roll the result.

more will be added as they pop up

First round match ups (tried to match up new guys with new guys, while keeping apart some match ups for further in the campaign)-
Rob - Eldar vs Chris - Dark angels
Vince - Tau vs Dave - Sisters of Battle
Joe - Eldar vs Kev - Salamanders (space marines codex)
Sam - Chaos space marines vs Nick - Space marines
Terry - Dark eldar vs Ben - Inquisition
Gaz - Tyranids vs Dan - Space wolves
Will - Dark eldar vs Alan - Imperial Guard
Campaign map
40k- Space marines(5000 pts) Imperial guard (3000 pts) Tau (3000 pts)
Epic 40k-Space marines/Imperial Guard(2000 pts)
Infinity Yu jing (Aprox 1000 pts)
Necromunda Escher Mad capsules Avalanche
Blood bowl Skaven

Messages In This Thread
Kill team Campaign sign up and rules - by manrogue - 26-03-2014, 12:46 PM

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