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1000 Pt Escalation Lists
Right then campaigners - here's where to stick your 1000 (or 1050 for Team Evil) Pt Escalation lists. Refer to the campaign pack in the Escalation thread for guidelines if you're unsure.
I'll edit lists into this initial post as they come in.

Team TauDar Revival:

Jaqenhgar (Chris), Dark Eldar:
+++ Dark Eldar (Jaqenhgar) (1000pts) +++

++ Dark Eldar: Codex (2014) (Combined Arms Detachment) (1000pts) ++

+ HQ (100pts) +

Succubus (100pts) [Archite glaive, Haywire Grenades, Splinter pistol]

+ Elites (175pts) +

Kabalite Trueborn (175pts) [Kabalite Trueborn]
····Kabalite Trueborn with Special Weapon [Blaster]
····Kabalite Trueborn with Special Weapon [Blaster]
····Kabalite Trueborn with Special Weapon [Blaster]
····Kabalite Trueborn with Special Weapon [Blaster]
····Raider [Dark Lance]

+ Troops (355pts) +

Kabalite Warriors (105pts) [5x Kabalite Warrior]
····Venom [Splinter Cannon]

Kabalite Warriors (105pts) [5x Kabalite Warrior]
····Venom [Splinter Cannon]

Wyches (145pts) [9x Wych]
····Raider [Disintegrator cannon]

+ Fast Attack (120pts) +

Scourges (120pts) [Scourge]
····Scourge with Special / Heavy weapon [Heat lance]
····Scourge with Special / Heavy weapon [Heat lance]
····Scourge with Special / Heavy weapon [Heat lance]
····Scourge with Special / Heavy weapon [Heat lance]

+ Heavy Support (250pts) +

Cronos (125pts)
····Cronos [Spirit Probe]

Talos (125pts)
····Talos [Close combat weapon, Twin-linked heat lance]

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jjakaalbinoboy (JJ), Eldar:
+++ JJ's Eldar (1000pts) +++

++ Eldar: Codex (2015) (Combined Arms Detachment) (1000pts) ++

+ HQ (100pts) +

Farseer (100pts)

+ Troops (660pts) +

Dire Avengers (200pts) [5x Dire Avenger]
··Falcon [Scatter laser, Pulse laser & Shuriken cannon]

Guardian Defenders (230pts) [10x Guardian Defenders, 1x Heavy weapon platform with Shuriken cannon]
··Wave Serpent [Shuriken cannon, Twin-linked scatter lasers]

Guardian Defenders (230pts) [10x Guardian Defenders, 1x Heavy weapon platform with Shuriken cannon]
··Wave Serpent [Shuriken cannon, Twin-linked scatter lasers]

+ Elite (190pts) +

Howling Banshees (190pts) [5x Howling Banshee]
··Falcon [Scatter laser, Pulse laser & Twin-linked shuriken catapults]

+ Fast Attack (50pts) +

Vyper (50pts) [1x Vyper jetbike with 2x Shuriken cannons]

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Team #stillabetterlovestorythantwilight:

Baalborn87 (Dave), Blood Angels:
+++ Blood Angels (Dave) 1000 (997pts) +++

++ Blood Angels: Codex (2014) (Baal Strike Force) (997pts) ++

+ (No Category) +

Relics and Detachment-rules
····Codex: Blood Angels [Baal Strike Force]

+ HQ (90pts) +

Librarian (90pts) [Bolt Pistol, Force Weapon, Psyker (ML2)]

+ Elites (335pts) +

Death Company Squad (200pts) [2x Bolt Pistol, 2x Bolter, 2x Chainsword, 5x Death Company Marine, Infernus Pistol, Jump Pack, Power Fist, Power Weapon, Thunder Hammer]

Sternguard Veteran Squad (135pts) [3x Boltgun, Heavy Bolter, 4x Sternguard Veteran]
····Veteran Sergeant [Bolter, Power Weapon]

+ Troops (452pts) +

Scout Squad (108pts) [Camo Cloaks, Missile Launcher, 5x Scouts, 4x Sniper Rifle]
····Scout Sergeant [Retain melee weapon, Sniper Rifle, Veteran Scout Sergeant]

Tactical Squad (205pts) [Heavy bolter, Plasma gun, 9x Tactical Marine]
····Tactical Sergeant [Grav-pistol, Power weapon, Veteran Sergeant]

Tactical Squad (139pts) [Grav-gun, 5x Tactical Marine]
····Tactical Sergeant [Power fist, Storm bolter, Veteran Sergeant]

+ Heavy Support (120pts) +

Devastator Squad (120pts) [4x Devastator Marine, 2x Heavy bolter, 2x Missile launcher]
····Devastator Sergeant [Bolt Pistol, Chainsword]

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Manrogue (Vince), Blood Angels:
+++ Angels of Death (999pts) +++

++ Blood Angels: Codex (2014) (Combined Arms Detachment) (999pts) ++

+ (No Category) +

Relics and Detachment-rules [Codex: Blood Angels]

+ HQ (261pts) +

Astorath, Redeemer of the Lost (165pts)

Sanguinary Priest (96pts) [Additional Weapon, Bolt Pistol, Chainsword, Jump pack, Melta bombs, The Veritas Vitae, Warlord]

+ Elites (265pts) +

Death Company Squad (100pts) [5x Bolt Pistol, 5x Chainsword, 5x Death Company Marine]

Sanguinary Guard Squad (165pts) [5x Angelus Boltgun, 3x Encarmine Axe, 2x Encarmine Sword, 5x Sanguinary Guard]

+ Troops (245pts) +

Tactical Squad (130pts) [Meltagun, 4x Tactical Marine]
··Drop Pod [Storm Bolter]
··Tactical Sergeant [Bolt Pistol, Combi-Melta, Melta Bombs]

Tactical Squad (115pts) [Heavy flamer, 4x Tactical Marine]
··Drop Pod [Storm Bolter]
··Tactical Sergeant [Bolt Pistol, Boltgun]

+ Fast Attack (228pts) +

Assault Squad (120pts) [4x Assault Marines, Jump Packs, 2x Meltagun]
··Assault Sergeant [Bolt Pistol, Combi-Melta, Melta Bombs]

Bike Squad (108pts) [2x Grav-gun, 2x Space Marine Biker]
··Biker Sergeant [Combi-Grav, Melta Bombs]

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Team Emo Space Monks & Friends:

Team Evil:

Dedwoods42 (Dan E.), Tyranids:
+++ Escalation (Tyranids) Stage 3 (1050pts) +++

++ Tyranids: Codex (2014) (Hive Fleet Detachement) (1050pts) ++

+ No Force Org Slot (150pts) +

Tyrannocyte (75pts) [5x Deathspitters]

Tyrannocyte (75pts) [5x Deathspitters]

+ HQ (260pts) +

Flyrant - Hive Tyrant (260pts) [Regeneration, Twin-linked Devourer with Brainleech Worms, Twin-linked Devourer with Brainleech Worms, Wings]

+ Troops (120pts) +

Mucolid Spore Cluster (15pts) [Mucolid Spore]

Mucolid Spore Cluster (15pts) [Mucolid Spore]

Ripper Swarm Brood (45pts)
····3x Ripper Swarm [3x Deep Strike]

Ripper Swarm Brood (45pts)
····3x Ripper Swarm [3x Deep Strike]

+ Elites (95pts) +

Venomthrope Brood (45pts) [Venomthrope]

Zoanthrope Brood (50pts) [Zoanthrope]

+ Fast Attack (60pts) +

Gargoyle Brood (60pts) [10x Gargoyle]

+ Heavy Support (365pts) +

Biovore Brood (40pts) [Biovore]

DevilFex - Carnifex Brood (150pts)
····Carnifex [Twin-linked Devourer with Brainleech Worms, Twin-linked Devourer with Brainleech Worms]

Tyrannofex (175pts) [Acid Spray]

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Will (Will), Tyranids
Quote:+++ Tyranids! (1048pts) +++

++ Tyranids: Codex (2014) (Combined Arms Detachment) (1048pts) ++

+ HQ (380pts) +

Deathleaper (130pts)

Hive Tyrant (250pts) [Adrenal Glands, Lash Whip & Bonesword, Old Adversary, Scything Talons, Wings]

+ Elites (100pts) +

Lictor Brood (100pts) [2x Lictor]

+ Troops (428pts) +

Genestealer Brood (254pts)
··Broodlord [Scything Talons]
··10x Genestealer [10x Adrenal Glands, 10x Toxin Sacs]

Genestealer Brood (84pts) [6x Genestealer]

Tyranid Warrior Brood (90pts)
··Tyranid Warrior [Devourer, Scything Talons]
··Tyranid Warrior [Devourer, Scything Talons]
··Tyranid Warrior [Devourer, Scything Talons]

+ Heavy Support (140pts) +

Mawloc (140pts)

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Agent0range (Alan), Chaos Space Marines:
+++ Chaos (Alan), 1050 (1050pts) +++

++ Chaos Space Marines: Codex (2012) (Combined Arms Detachment) (1050pts) ++

+ No Force Org Slot +

Force Options (Supplement options here) [No unique force (Vanilla CSM Codex)]

+ HQ (175pts) +

Chaos Lord (175pts) [Axe of Blind Fury, Bolt Pistol, Juggernaut of Khorne, Mark of Khorne, Power Armour, Sigil of corruption, Veterans of the Long War, Warlord]

+ Troops (325pts) +

Chaos Cultists (61pts) [6x Autogun upgrade, 2x autopistol loadout, 9x Cultists in unit]
····Cultist Champion [Auto Pistol]
····Heavy Weapon upgrade [Flamer]

Chaos Space Marines (132pts) [4x Boltgun loadout, 4x Chaos Space Marines in the unit, Meltagun]
····Aspiring Champion [Bolt Pistol, Boltgun, Close Combat Weapon]
····Chaos Rhino [Havoc Launcher]

Chaos Space Marines (132pts) [4x Boltgun loadout, 4x Chaos Space Marines in the unit, Meltagun]
····Aspiring Champion [Bolt Pistol, Boltgun, Close Combat Weapon]
····Chaos Rhino [Havoc Launcher]

+ Fast Attack (290pts) +

Chaos Spawn (120pts) [4x Spawn]

Heldrake (170pts) [Baleflamer]

+ Heavy Support (260pts) +

Chaos Vindicator (135pts) [Combi-bolter, Siege Shield]

Maulerfiend (125pts) [Magma cutters]

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Alpharius (Matt, or maybe Omegon), Alpha Legion:
+++ AL R3 (1050pts) +++

++ Legiones Astartes: Crusade Army List (Age of Darkness) (1050pts) ++

+ HQ (55pts) +

Legion Centurion (55pts) [Power Armour, Power Dagger (5pts)]

+ Troops (445pts) +

Legion Tactical Squad (160pts) [9x Legion Tactical Space Marines (90pts), Legion Vexilla (10pts)]

Legion Tactical Squad (160pts) [9x Legion Tactical Space Marines (90pts), Legion Vexilla (10pts)]

Legion Tactical Support Squad (125pts) [4x Legion Space Marines (60pts), Volkite Calivers (25pts)]

+ Elites (280pts) +

Apothecarion Detachment (100pts)
····Legion Apothecary (50pts) [Augury Scanner (5pts)]
····Legion Apothecary (50pts) [Augury Scanner (5pts)]

Legion Rapier Weapons Battery (180pts)
····Legion Rapier Weapons Battery (60pts) [Quad Mortar ('Thud Gun') (20pts)]
····Legion Rapier Weapons Battery (60pts) [Quad Mortar ('Thud Gun') (20pts)]
····Legion Rapier Weapons Battery (60pts) [Quad Mortar ('Thud Gun') (20pts)]

+ Heavy Support (270pts) +

Legion Sicaran Battle Tank (155pts) [Armoured Ceramite (20pts)]

Legion Whirlwind Scorpius (115pts)

+ Legion +

Legion Astartes [XX: Alpha Legion]

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DeadmanDann (Dann), Necrons:
+++ Necron Escalation (1050pts) +++

++ Necrons: Codex (2015) (Combined Arms Detachment) (1050pts) ++

+ HQ (65pts) +

Cryptek (65pts) [Staff of Light]

+ Elites (130pts) +

Flayed Ones (130pts)
····10x Flayed One (130pts) [20x Flayer Claw]

+ Troops (455pts) +

Warriors (195pts)
····15x Necron Warrior (195pts) [15x Gauss Flayer]

Warriors (130pts)
····10x Necron Warrior (130pts) [10x Gauss Flayer]

Warriors (130pts)
····10x Necron Warrior (130pts) [10x Gauss Flayer]

+ Fast Attack (230pts) +

Destroyers (120pts)
····3x Destroyer (120pts) [3x Gauss Cannon]

Tomb Blades (110pts)
····Tomb Blade (22pts) [Nebuloscope (2pts), Shield Vanes (2pts), Twin-linked Gauss Blaster]
····Tomb Blade (22pts) [Nebuloscope (2pts), Shield Vanes (2pts), Twin-linked Gauss Blaster]
····Tomb Blade (22pts) [Nebuloscope (2pts), Shield Vanes (2pts), Twin-linked Gauss Blaster]
····Tomb Blade (22pts) [Nebuloscope (2pts), Shield Vanes (2pts), Twin-linked Gauss Blaster]
····Tomb Blade (22pts) [Nebuloscope (2pts), Shield Vanes (2pts), Twin-linked Gauss Blaster]

+ Heavy Support (170pts) +

Doomsday Ark (170pts) [Doomsday Cannon, 2x Gauss Flayer Array, Quantum Shielding]

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40K - Tyranids (4500 Points) & Chaos - The Purge and the Brazen Host (8500 Points)
30K - Death Guard (2000ish Points), Sons of Horus (175 Points because Loken) + World Eaters, soon.
Project Log
"Only a fool takes Khârn for a mindless brute or rabid dog. Under that blood-soaked helm lurks an intelligence and cunning that makes him a masterful killer - trust me when I say that there is a dark purpose in his madness."

Messages In This Thread
1000 Pt Escalation Lists - by Dedwoods42 - 27-04-2015, 04:45 PM
RE: 1000 Pt Escalation Lists - by jaqenhgar - 28-04-2015, 09:24 AM
RE: 1000 Pt Escalation Lists - by Dedwoods42 - 28-04-2015, 09:39 AM
RE: 1000 Pt Escalation Lists - by will - 28-04-2015, 12:17 PM
RE: 1000 Pt Escalation Lists - by jaqenhgar - 28-04-2015, 12:23 PM
RE: 1000 Pt Escalation Lists - by Dedwoods42 - 28-04-2015, 12:56 PM
RE: 1000 Pt Escalation Lists - by jjakaalbinoboy - 28-04-2015, 07:42 PM
RE: 1000 Pt Escalation Lists - by jaqenhgar - 28-04-2015, 08:14 PM
RE: 1000 Pt Escalation Lists - by jjakaalbinoboy - 28-04-2015, 08:17 PM
RE: 1000 Pt Escalation Lists - by jaqenhgar - 28-04-2015, 09:43 PM
RE: 1000 Pt Escalation Lists - by Alpharius - 28-04-2015, 09:53 PM
RE: 1000 Pt Escalation Lists - by Dedwoods42 - 29-04-2015, 09:30 AM
RE: 1000 Pt Escalation Lists - by Agent0range - 29-04-2015, 09:55 PM
RE: 1000 Pt Escalation Lists - by manrogue - 30-04-2015, 08:26 AM
RE: 1000 Pt Escalation Lists - by Alpharius - 30-04-2015, 08:29 AM
RE: 1000 Pt Escalation Lists - by Dedwoods42 - 30-04-2015, 10:05 AM
RE: 1000 Pt Escalation Lists - by wako1302 - 07-05-2015, 01:34 PM
RE: 1000 Pt Escalation Lists - by Thom - 08-05-2015, 12:08 PM

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