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Red War Soc 40k League II Rules, Fixtures, Results and Banter thread!
A battle report it is Nick:

Prebattle powers:
Nick rolls for Tigurius: Missfortune, 4+ Inv Save, Ignore Cover
Libby: Iron Arm and Warp Speed

I fantastic set of powers, only missing FNP for the perfect set!

I get:
Warlord Farseer - Executioner, Mind War, Fortune
Farseer - Fortune, Prescience, Guide
Warlocks: 2 Protect/Jinx, 1 Empower/Enervate, 2 Conceal Reveals, 1 Destructor/Renew, 1 Enhance/Drain, 1 Quicken/Restrain

A solid set of powers, I cannot complain, only missing Missfortune.

Missions: obviously KPs with Dawn of War Deployment
Deployment: Nick wins the roll for first turn and takes it.

Nick deploys the Centurions centrally, the scouts infiltrate into the centre of the table out of sight, the 10 Marines deploy behind a bunker top right.

I deploy behind some LOS blocking terrain on the left flank with the Commander and Riptide together, the Wraithknight and Seer Council, the Jetikes and Kroot go in reserve.

After casting ignore cover and 4+ inv on the centurions, the libby casts both Iron arm (+3) and Warp Speed (+2), the squad moved up, then lights up the Riptide and removes him.

My turn I cast up fortune and prescience on the council, guide goes on the Wraithknight. The councils moved over/round the terrain bottom left as does the Wraithknight, the Wraithknight causes a wound of Lysander the Council then boost forwards 4 or 5 inches behind terrain, they are within a 8 charge through cover.

Nick casts his powers again, I deny Missfortune which is massive, the Storm Raven comes on and Nick does a really clever thing, rather than moving forwards he conga lines the Centurions, meaning only Lysander is within range and it's a 9" charge not through cover. The shooting does little, the Wraithknight loses a couple of wounds and the Seer Council doesn't lose anyone. Lysander makes the charge distance with an 11 and so they Centurions smash into the Council, the Council loses a Warlock and the Warlord Farseer who fails a STR10 LOS Sir... then a 4+ re-roll inv save. I chip away at Lysander who is down to one wound at this stage.

My turn2 and all my reserves show up, ready to tackle the Scouts next turn, I pass fortune, then totally forget to roll the rest of my powers (like Prescience... 2+ save/jinx and -1 Strength etc...) this basically gives Nick the game... the Seer Council doesn't lose much this turn but fails to do any damage as Nick passed 8 or so saves without fail. Oh and the Wraithknight charged into Combat failed to wound the Libby on a 2+ Str10 impact hit then got beat down in one round.


Tigurius casts missfortune on the council to counter act my Fortune and this leaves just the Farseer left in combat... then we just do a quick run through of my options... the Storm Raven would remove the Commander in a turn with the Marines dropping out for line breaker, then would go chasing after Jetbikes who have NO WHERE to hide, as the only LOS blocking terrain in sight has 10 Marines behind it... so the Dev Centurions would remove a squad per turn as well as the Kroot (split fire a ignore missile into them per turn...) with the Storm Raven free to do whatever it wants which would be pick off a Jetbike squad/help remove the Kroot.

So we call it their and a tabling loss for me!

Wow the Seer Council is complex and I made some hurrendous errors like forgetting powers and because I was having to concentrate on that, I totally messed up in other areas of the game, I didn't have to be in charge range of the Centurions or could have made a 12" charge... the Riptide shouldn't have been in range of the Centurions at all. Ugh. Learnt a massive amount and will be chopping the list up a little as the Tau just don't work the Riptide was poor, Grav Guns just mess it up and every Marine army worth their salt will be packing these... the Wraithknight did okay, it was my poor play I shouldn't have accepted the challenge and he would have been smashing up Centurions with his STR10.. I learnt so much though and really enjoyed the game.

We even got a second game in, but that went much the same lol!


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RE: Red War Soc 40k League II Rules, Fixtures, Results and Banter thread! - by Embolden - 16-10-2013, 07:30 AM

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