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WarmaHordes League Scores
(Without PC access at the moment this is simply a place holder post. I'll edit it up and make it shine when I next get my hands on a computer).

The current scores as they stand:

Justin - 1 Win, 1 Loss
Alan - 1 Win, 1 Loss
Gareth - 1 Win, 1 Loss
Luke - 2 Losses
Simon - 2 Wins
Stuart - 1 Win
Sir Mick - 1 Win
Rachel - 1 Loss
Duane - 1 Loss

Points and proper formatting will be applied soon!
Warmachine (Retribution of Scyrah, Khador), Hordes (Trollbloods, Blindwater Congregation), Bolt Action (IJA Infantry Section, Soviet Russia Armoured Platoon), SAGA (Norse-Gaels (WIP)), Deadzone (Enforcers, Forge Fathers)
Two more games were played at the last meeting with the following results:

Stuart 1 - 0 Simon
Rachel 1 - 0 Duane

Keep the scores rolling in and I'll work on updating the main thread. Until then, Play Like You've Got A Pair! Big Grin
Warmachine (Retribution of Scyrah, Khador), Hordes (Trollbloods, Blindwater Congregation), Bolt Action (IJA Infantry Section, Soviet Russia Armoured Platoon), SAGA (Norse-Gaels (WIP)), Deadzone (Enforcers, Forge Fathers)
Seeing as this is a little out dated. My games are as follows
Gareth (Cryx) L vs Stuart (Cygnar) W
Gareth (Cryx) W vs Duane (Mercs) L
Gareth (Cryx) L vs Simon (RoS) W
Gareth (Cryx) W vs Rachael (Khador) L
Gareth (Cryx) L vs Alan (Circle Orboros) W
Gareth (Cryx) W vs Justin (Khador) L <--------- How the hell did that happen????
Star Wars Legion - Rebels
Guildball - Alchemists
Blood Bowl - Lizardmen
Alan vs simon L
alan vs justin W
alan vs luke W
alan vs mike L
It's my bad, I have the, written down but I can't edit the post very well on here. I'll jump on a PC when I get chance to this week.
Warmachine (Retribution of Scyrah, Khador), Hordes (Trollbloods, Blindwater Congregation), Bolt Action (IJA Infantry Section, Soviet Russia Armoured Platoon), SAGA (Norse-Gaels (WIP)), Deadzone (Enforcers, Forge Fathers)
Thats fine Simon, I just thought I would get it down before I forget any games.
Star Wars Legion - Rebels
Guildball - Alchemists
Blood Bowl - Lizardmen
Here are my (I'd like to say Wins/Losses, but...) losses:

I've played Alan, Simon and Justin.
McDonalds Chicken Nuggets.

Warhammer Fantasy (Orcs and Goblins)
Warhammer 40,000 (Orks)
Warmachine (Protectorate of Menoth)
Bushido (Prefecture of Ryu)
Infinity (Yu-Jing)
Warpath (ForgeFathers)
Cutlass! (Undead)
Three tough games though Luke. I'm sure given 12 hours you will have a second turn caster kill vs your dad.
Star Wars Legion - Rebels
Guildball - Alchemists
Blood Bowl - Lizardmen
(15-10-2011, 04:42 PM)Gareth Wrote: Three tough games though Luke. I'm sure given 12 hours you will have a second turn caster kill vs your dad.

I think that it's just my luck and (mostly) my tactics - Mick clearly displays the full potential of the Mighty Menoth.
McDonalds Chicken Nuggets.

Warhammer Fantasy (Orcs and Goblins)
Warhammer 40,000 (Orks)
Warmachine (Protectorate of Menoth)
Bushido (Prefecture of Ryu)
Infinity (Yu-Jing)
Warpath (ForgeFathers)
Cutlass! (Undead)
Luke and I played our final fixture tonight, and I just narrowly won (a very hard fought war of attrition) on points. My final tally is:

(W) vs. Gaz
(W) vs. Simon
(L) vs. Justin
(W) vs. Alan
(W) vs. Rachel
(W) vs. Duane
(W) vs. Mick
(W) vs. Luke
Figures painted in 2016: 4 Blush
"What this game needs is a panda with a chaingun."

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