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battlefield Birmingham 5 40k tournament
Kevin, I’m not sure about the list, getting there though, I like the addition of the Master of the Forge over the Librarian.

Still loads of upgrades that just don’t make sense to me… not sure if you can explain your choices incase I’m missing something? :p

Firstly the Scouts, the heavy bolter is a waste, you want to be hiding these, the moment they pop out of cover/LOS they’re dead…

Power weapon on the Sergeant, again a waste as the squad will most likely be dead before it can swing.

Heavy Bolter, won’t do much, go for another Multimelta, Lascannon, Missile Launcher. Everyone keeps vulnerable troops at the back until the latter part of the game or in transports so the heavy bolter won’t get a target.

Bikers – Dropping the power weapon and heavy bolter, gives you points for a combi-weapon and another Plasma gun.

Still waaaay too many points Invested in the Strike squad, drop the Falcions, they do nothing really, Psilencer is nothing compared to a Psycannon… Psycannon every time! 10+2 Psycannons and Psybolt Ammo is 240pts

This frees up some points for Psyker Lvl1 on the Inquisitor, but would prefer the Inquisitor I suggested before (drop the Sergeant upgrades if required)

Will make changes before tonight's game now I have written them down so I can check off as I change them over.
Salamanders 6000pts
Grey knights 1000pts
Into the fires of battle unto the anvil of war!
I hate to agree with Rob but he talks sense lol! Deffo 10 man strike squad (which can be combat squaded if needed) with a psycannon and psybolt ammo! These guys might be at home in a razorback? Also instead of the motf you could take a dirt cheap libby on a bike which would make your other marine bikes troops? You could probably afford him just by dropping the falchions from the gks and heavy bolter from the scouts!
So, things didn't get well against Nick (good game mate!)

I think the list performed okay, I made some critical errors and really critical times, not sure why but in practice games I keep making stupid mistakes, but at tournaments I get me game face on and make very few...

This list will be the one I take to BBV, It's just gonna be about the practice I can get in with it!

On that note, as the wife works most wednesday evenings (till about 9) I'd be up for a few practice games if people want, I have a gaming table and free hot/cold drinks for people who want to come over? Should be free from about 6.30 to 9pm, plenty of time for a game or two quick ones :p

Nick ss I posted in the weekly gaming thread...

If you're wanting changes to your list... I honestly don't think you really need too.

But if you're wanting alternatives.. The Storm Raven with Marines/Scouts comes out at similar points to the Broadsides... But I would stick with the Broadsides for at least another game.

I would deploy them more centrally, defending a cluster of objectives with Riptide support. With your Deathstar moving forwards each turn, then the Chapter Master bursting out to remove a troop unit or 2.

Your probably right dude! First time ive used them. Depending on objective locations i can be more aggressive with the broadsides! Against your bomb i just wanted them out of range an if possible LOS. They did ok.... Well one of them did lol 4 shots 3 hits against your stormraven? Haha super lucky!
Well my game against Dave went very badly, but I forgot I couldn't assault T1 if I go first and also forgot about the DW assault T1 so they came on late. Got shot off the table by lots of meltas and exorcists, with the very low model count army I have to be careful how I play them. Even the depleted bike star did well - took out the saint (once but she got back up), the seraphim, three units of sisters and a unit of guardsmen, plus an exorcist and an immolater. Rest of the list did pretty much nothing though which I'm not sure I like (although it was 1500 and not 1850).

Will stick with the list for now but have thought about a different one after going back to the drawing board. Would appreciate some comments on this:

Librarian - level 1 (prescience or ignore cover) - power field gen., bike, infra visor
Ravenwing command - 5 man, apothecary, 1 g. Launcher
RAS - 3 bikes, attack bike with multi melta
RAS - 3 bikes, attack bike with multi melta
Tac squad - 5man, plasma cannon, Rhino
Tac squad - 5 man, plasma cannon, Rhino
Tac squad - 5 man, plasma cannon
Deathwing Squad, 4 th and storm shields, cyclone ml
10 Devs - 4 las cannons
5 ravenwing black knights - 1 grenade launcher
Total 1850

As goes with a dev squad usually on an objective giving them 4++,FNP so hard to remove. Tacs sit in rhinos and shoot templates. Bikes outflank and/or hide. Deathwing can either deep strike t1 with black knights going up one flank, or can hang back defending home objective with the gun line. I could also use the rhinos as mobile cover for the two black knight squads to advance behind. The Libby is there to give the devs prescience t1 and give 4++ to the black knight command! or the other squad.

This list is a lot more cautious but can still assault and grab objectives, with multiple threats rather than all my eggs in one basket with the bike star, and has 8 scoring units with azrael being a dude. Plus it's fairly fluffy with all three wings of the dark angels represented.
40K - Dark Angels, Dark Eldar, Necrons; Lord of the Rings - lots; Bloodbowl - Dwarves, Wood Elves; SAGA - Anglo Danes & Welsh; Guildball - Morticians, Engineers; Dropzone/fleet - Shaltari
Looks good chris with good solid tactics backing the list up! looking forward to seeing what it can do next week! Big Grin

To be honest mate i really like it! Having the 10 man dev squad in a ruin somewhere with azrael worked really well for me and Ben (Simian) at the doubles tourney! Using the rhinos as a wall to protect the black knights as the go forward while still firing plasma would work really well too! Although it would be putting a lot of eggs in a basket an depending what powers he rolls it might be worth putting the libby with the devs too (especially if you get ignores cover) as it would pose a very similar threat to my centurions (lots of long range and ignores cover shots) and if their scoring? even better!!

The only unit im insure about is the terminators but having all 3 wings is pretty cool :p
Thanks guys, yeah I know what you mean about the terminators, against Dave they just got removed in one turn and only achieved immobilising an immolater with Krak missiles. However, I'm hoping that hanging back to defend will work better, or advancing with the black knights will mean they do a bit more, plus they are scoring.

Could drop the termies for more black knights and a tech marine to add to the devs, or I could take another dev squad with 4 LC and a tech marine with pfg to protect them (300pts so would need to find another 35 pts from somewhere).

Unfortunately the devs are not scoring, but azrael has a warlord trait that gives him and his unit FNP within 3" of an objective hence the need to be close to one with the devs.

May try this list out against you Rob, not sure yet, might give the bike star another try first...
40K - Dark Angels, Dark Eldar, Necrons; Lord of the Rings - lots; Bloodbowl - Dwarves, Wood Elves; SAGA - Anglo Danes & Welsh; Guildball - Morticians, Engineers; Dropzone/fleet - Shaltari

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