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Out with the Nids and in with this insane list!
I've just checked and it's Marine codex's only, so you'd have to have ally in to get the Hyperios Defence Battery.

Thought so, Cheers
OK so debated with my team NI mate who plays a lot of GK's and have decided upon the following.
Draigo and Coteaz 375
10 Paladins with 4 psy cannons 675
Dread Knight with incinerator + psy cannon 200
Dread Knight with Incinerator + psy cannon 200

Thats 1450. So what else?

Option A

Storm Raven 205
Dreadnought with ass cannon and fist 130
7 acolytes with 3 x meltas (or similar) 62

Option B

Dread Knight with psy cann and gatling psi 205
195 to spend on ........

Come on guys. List is due tomorrow!
Option B and win by tabling your opponents Smile
Option B
Dread Knight with psy cann and gatling psi 205
and use the 195 for another Troop choice.

Henchmen - Chimera, 2 Jokaero, 3 Acolytes with Melta (or similar) 4 Storm bolter toting acolytes (195)


Strike squad - Justicar, 6 Nemesis sword + storm bolter, 1 Psycannon, psybolt ammo (190)
Simian aka Ben
40k Death Guard, Nurgle and Space Wolves, Malifaux (Guild, Gremlins & Ressers), In Her Majesties Name (Professor Berengei's Circus), Bolt Action (Big Red One), Dredd (Robots), OGaM, Necromunda (Redemptionists)

Hooting into the Abyss
(03-01-2013, 10:12 AM)GoNecrons Wrote: Option B and win by tabling your opponents Smile


OptionB for me 3, I would go for another Strikes in Razorback maybe? then get a Apoth if possible?

OK well the countdown to midnight list submission is on!

Played two practice games against Necrons last night. Both games 5 objectives to make it hard. Firstly I tried Terminators/Storm Raven/Dreadnought. Lost entire army except two DK's but drew Primary and won secondary anyhow. (Remember Callie has no points for losses). The D nought died to Storm cryptek in a milli second and did nowt as predicted by some of you.

Second game was Draigo/Coteaz/2 x DK/ empty S Raven and Bastion with comms relay and Acolytes bunkered inside. End of turn 3 I had lost entire army except Pallie horde and Bunker. End of turn 5 still had 2 objectives and identical result to previous game. This time the Raven fluffed its shots and died, but only because 16 Psy cannon T/L shots failed to knock out a Night scythe.

Biggest thing to note is that Draigo/Pallies is just infinitely better than normal termies so they are an absolute must.

Coteaz is one big question, but have decided to run with him as well. Also using two DK's just because! Therefore my above post is confirmed. 1450pts in the bag - now what?

Happy that Apo is not value for money at 75pts, even in a death star by the way.

May not get much done at work today!
I am suppised to see the apoc not doing much. Good call as it frees up alot of points.

16 Psy Cannon vs AV11 flyers even TL is just short of 5 hits on average. So will only occationly cause 3 hull point damage or explodes with a pen. I always jink a night scythe as the gun loves snap shooting so much with the tesla rule. So after jinking it is one pen and every other go a glance too. The rend on the pen definatly helps with the AP2. If you play mysterious objectives that skyfire nexous would be the bane of any flyer with the pallies.

My vote is still the third Dreadknight for spare points.
Purgation squads in a rhino/razorback have always worked well for me! For 100 points you can have 5 gk with 4 incinerators that dont require line of sight. 180 gets you 4 psycannons instead. Plus you can always the unit with 5 extra gk to give the unit a few more wounds although with the incimerators this dosent work that well as yoi cant really put them at the back.

Ps sorry about the Mordrak thing! You must have cursed me lol cant believe i didnt notice. Just assumed!
Hey it gets better. I assumed the DK's could deep strike but they cant! Just assumed that they could. The Nids are looking more and more appealing! Confused

Not given up yet though. Time for a lunch break methinks!

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