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Tourney list feedback BA - SW - Printable Version

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RE: Tourney list feedback BA - SW - Sincilbanks - 10-01-2013

Alrighty, let's drill down through this good advice a bit then (and thank you all for taking the time to post it...)

Characters with a 2+ save and a 4+ inv and a jump pack are
The Sanguinor 275 points (whose not an IC)
Astorath the Grim (220 points) (Not EW to my knowledge)
Dante (225 points) (Not EW either)
Mephiston (250 points) with his psychic powers he can have a JP, no inv. save though

None of the vanilla HQ's get a 2+ save, although pretty much all of them can have a JP.

Which leaves you something like this at 1750?
6 x 5 man assault squads with a flamer or melta each
1 x Sang Priest with JP
3 x Devastator squad with 4 x ML each (or 3 x Dread with 2 x TL Autocannon coming in at 15 points cheaper or 2 more Stormravens)
1 x Stormraven

Going with Matt's idea
Reclusiarch at 130 (Reclusiarch?)
Libby at 100
2 x 10 ASM minus JP's with Flamer / Melta - 430 points
2 x 6 Vanguard Vets + 1 x 7 Vanguard Vets - 425 points
2 x Furioso Dreadnought with either blood fist or blood talon - 250 points
2 x Stormraven - 400 points
leaving me with 15-ish points to pimp the Reclusiarch or Libby

Also, what do I start on the board with? I can't see anything here that is going to start on board?

Not sure if you know the rules for Heroic Intervention Matt? You must declare HI before you drop, and once you've declared it you can't run or shoot, also you can't declare HI if an IC has joined the squad (so no chaplains and no Sang Priest).

Obviously you scatter 1D6 but you get 2D6 on the assault. You probably need to be 5" away from the oppo you are dropping into assault to minimise mishap and if you scatter 3" or more away from your oppo your looking at an 8" charge. Dropping uses your JP for the turn so there's no re-roll on that.

I need to do the math, but call it a 50% chance of getting an arrow away from your target? 66% chance of getting 3 or more on the other dice and your looking at a 33% chance of getting your unit outside of the magical 7" charge range. Then you have to make the charge home from your drop, I'd say the odds of dropping in and getting the charge home are looking around 50% of the time? Does that sound about right?

RE: Tourney list feedback BA - SW - Sincilbanks - 10-01-2013

I also had one completely mental idea to get the ASM's across the board and it goes something like this:

1 x Libby + JP - 120 points
1 x Sang Priest with JP - 75 points
3 x 10ASM - 645 points
3 x Predator with Autocannon - 210 points
3 x Baal Predator with Flamestorm cannon (Flamer, Str6 Ap3) - 345 points
1 x LandRaider Crusader - 250 points
5 x Death Company - 100 points

You stick the Death Company in the Landraider, all the ASM's huddle up behind the wall of AV13 Fast vehicles and the LR. You charge forward turn 1 popping smoke and then tank shock with the normal predators. Baal's follow up flaming all the nicely lined up stuff that hasn't run away and then charge in with the ASM's and Death Company. I get a 24" move with all the armour turn 1 apart from the LR which covers the ASM's who get a 12" move plus a run...

I don't think this has much chance of working, but I also don't think many opponents would be able to ignore the 6 Predators on turn 1 meaning I've got 24" + 1D6" to get the ASM's into assault...

RE: Tourney list feedback BA - SW - GoNecrons - 10-01-2013

Ace! I like the list. Potentially scouting Ball Predators to take on when ever hides behind those ADL that use it to improve weak armour saves. Like.

RE: Tourney list feedback BA - SW - Sincilbanks - 17-01-2013

So I scrapped my AV13 wall since it simply doesn't work against too many armies (fearless ones for a start)

I've spent a while working on how to deliver my units and come up with the following? Feedback welcome...

1 x Reclusiarch
2 x 10 ASM + 2 Flamer + 2 M/Bomb
1 x Sang Priest with Jump Pack
8 x Death Company
1 x Death Company Dread + Heavy Flamer + Blood Talons
2 x 1 x Attack Bike
1 x Stormraven + T/L Lascannon + T/L Melta
1 x Stormraven + T/L Ass Cann + T/L Melta

Space Wolf Allies
Rune Priest w/ Jump Pack
10 x Grey Hunter + 2x Flamer + Mark of the Wulfen + Wolf Standard + Drop Pod

Death Company + Reclusiarch go in a Storm Raven
Combat squad the Ass Marines and put 5 in a Storm Raven
Death Company Dread goes on a Storm Raven
Rune Priest + Sang Priest go with 3 combat squad Ass Marines
Grey Hunters in Drop Pod

This leaves me 130 points to get 3 units (I have 7 in reserve and only 4 on the table). Logic says 3 x Attack Bikes and 10 points to spend elsewhere?

Anyone got any better ideas? I've toyed around with buying a LR instead of the stormraven and putting the DC and Recluse in there, thus solving my deployment at a stroke but 1 of a LR and SR doesn't seem to be great? Anyone any feedback on how to tweak it to make my deployment easier? I'm almost certainly giving up 1st blood by placing 3 single Att Bikes on the table...

RE: Tourney list feedback BA - SW - jaqenhgar - 17-01-2013

i think because the drop pod and the stormravens HAVE to start in reserve, they don't count for the 50% rule, and nor do the units you put in them so you don't need to worry about that and can spend the 130pts another way. Perhaps a dev squad with some ml's, don't know how much that costs in ba codex.

RE: Tourney list feedback BA - SW - Sincilbanks - 17-01-2013

Aha, thanks for that...

I totally misread that rule, and if I'd read the FAQ I'd have known that as well, so much for my vaunted rules analysis Smile

130 points on toys class