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Sorry It's taken a while. I'd like to claim it's due to decorating a nursery in my defence.

The welsh warband of Taffy the brave looked across the field of battle at the Viking hordes. The Viking leader looked back, and began organising his force into their battle lines. He watched as the Hearthguard, the premier warriors of the opposing leader formed their unit up to his left, before the 2 groups of warriors formed up in front of the leader, and to the Viking leaders right.

Taffy turned, and organised his own forces, the peasants slowly formed up behind some convenient woods, hoping to sneak in, and rain death at the Viking foe. The warrior unit formed on the far left, planning to flank around the farmhouse, and sweep into the enemy flanks. His hearth guard formed up to his left, while his personal retinue, the naked welsh hippies, formed up behind him (he really didn't want to see too much!)

The first turn resulted in the Viking hearthguard storming across the board, gaining some fatigue, but nearly entering combat immediately. The remains of the Viking force slowly began marching across to the Welsh forces, keen to show them exactly what they could do! The Welsh forces moved to face the Hearthguard with both the Teulu and the naked welshmen, while the Peasants formed up on the outskirts of the woods ready to fire.

This is really where it all went to pot. I mean, all the shooting the welsh can do, and the sum total for the kills was 3 models.... humph!!

After a poor turn of shooting, the Viking Hearthguard charged the naked welshmen, while the first warrior unit charged the welsh Teulu and the second charged the Peasants. Despite a slight victory from the Teulu, the naked welshmen were slowly killed over 2 turns, and the following turn the Teulu charged in and promptly half were killed. The combat with the naked welshmen also resulted in 7 dice being rolled leading to 6 6's, along with my 9 dice being rollled for the bonnedig, and none of them being higher than a 3! The Bonnedig were worn down slowly by the warriors, taking 2 casualities to every one of the warriors, sadly knowing that I didn't have double the warriors numbers, I wasn't holding my breath...

The Welsh warrior unit firstly tried charging around the farmhouse, then changed plan to chase down the fiendish Viking warlord, only to watch him charge into single combat with the Welsh Warlord (Taffy himself!)

After a vicous combat, where the Taffy the not quite so brave put 2 of his own men in front of the sword strokes hoping to avoid death, but it was all for naught. He was sturck down, and the Vikings went on a pillaging spree...

All in, a brilliant game, which could actually have gone either way in the last combat. My congratularions to Stuart, ad I look forward to game number 2. The revenge of Not quite so brave Taffy!
Don't forget Wyvern Wargamers have a SAGA practice night on the 19th, so you and Stuart are more than welcome to come along for a few games...
Would love to come along to that, but we're away that weekend Sad

It's not looking too promising for being able to attend the Wyvern tournie in September either, which is a bit disappointing as I was looking forward to that.